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Jeff Geerling

@sepi1enfwb it's been great coming from Spectrum, but the router they give is a little meh

Sepi Girardi

@geerlingguy I'll probably buy an wifi AP to stick in front of it. Do you happen to know of any good reviews for wifi equipment for this situation on youtube? Bet you might know.

Jeff Geerling

@sepi1enfwb I have an ASUS WiFi 6 router at home, and I set the AT&T modem in pass through mode for routing. I like Asus routers for the quality + decent UI

At work running a Netgear AP and OPNsense on a mini PC


@geerlingguy @sepi1enfwb the router will die in 13 months, so you’ve to buy a new one right after warranty expiry 🤭 (atleast that’s the way it was 15 years ago, not sure if things have changed)

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