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Mallory's Musings & Mischief

@tinker It's a theme I see in so many domains. We have the tech right now to solve most of the material problems people have. It's good enough to make everyone's life so much better than it is, but because capitalism is always searching for growth, nothing is ever sufficient. If no improvements to a technology can be profitably made, the technology is turned into a service and rented, or systematically squeezed to extract every last drop of value that it can produce until nothing is left.


Mallory's Musings & Mischief

@tinker Capitalism cannot handle the concept of a solved problem. It can never be satisfied. Everything good is eventually destroyed by its need for growth.


Guillaume Rossolini

@malcircuit @tinker case in point, the latest smartphone models from all brands have had issues capturing the general public’s interest for years

Paul Faria

@GuillaumeRossolini @malcircuit @tinker at this point I only update when the security patches stop coming in. Otherwise I would keep using the same phone for longer.

Paul Faria

@malcircuit @tinker it saddens me that an old MacBook I have from 2008 would still work were it not for unsupported (and unsecure) OS. Only thing bad is the battery but it otherwise still works.

Paul Faria

@tinker @malcircuit I'll have to try again. I previously tried nix and that ended in a disaster. That's still not a good option for the average person though. Most people will not know how to get into their bios to allow the install

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