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Mallory's Musings & Mischief

@tinker Capitalism cannot handle the concept of a solved problem. It can never be satisfied. Everything good is eventually destroyed by its need for growth.


Guillaume Rossolini

@malcircuit @tinker case in point, the latest smartphone models from all brands have had issues capturing the general public’s interest for years

Paul Faria

@GuillaumeRossolini @malcircuit @tinker at this point I only update when the security patches stop coming in. Otherwise I would keep using the same phone for longer.

Paul Faria

@malcircuit @tinker it saddens me that an old MacBook I have from 2008 would still work were it not for unsupported (and unsecure) OS. Only thing bad is the battery but it otherwise still works.

Paul Faria

@tinker @malcircuit I'll have to try again. I previously tried nix and that ended in a disaster. That's still not a good option for the average person though. Most people will not know how to get into their bios to allow the install

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