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ansuz / ऐरन

First, review posts with the #ChatControl hashtag, as there are lots of well-informed people sharing reliable information.

@quincy linked to a directory of the relevant contact points for each EU member state and requested that people write a (polite) letter, so if you have voting rights in the EU that's a good place to start.

ansuz / ऐरन

As a leading voice of the German Pirate party and a member of EU parliament, Patrick Breyer (@echo_pbreyer) has actively opposed the proposed legislation throughout its lifetime.

He (and perhaps also his team?) have maintained a comprehensive, fact-checked summary of the proposal's status, with a practical "What can you do" section:

ansuz / ऐरन brought it to my attention that @edri are collecting signatures for a petition against the proposed #ChatControl legislation:

ansuz / ऐरन

I noticed some errors in the top post of this thread:

1. it's been more than two years, not nearly two

2. "but this it feels like they might get away with it" -> "this time* it feels like..."

too many people have boosted for me to want to edit it, but it was bugging me

ansuz / ऐरन

anyway, I hope all my new followers who are interested in European privacy legislation and whatever have taken the time to write to their legislative representatives.

I don't even have voting rights but I wrote to reps in the country where my business is registered. I really hope it has some impact because I don't want the hassle of changing jurisdictions over this.


@ansuz @echo_pbreyer There are not enough people in the world to review all the videos of men masturbating. What are you saying? Maybe don't upload a video of yourself masturbating?

ansuz / ऐरन

@CubeRootOfTrue I take it you've only read the text in the thumbnail, and not that of the linked web page?

That's hardly a basis for a productive discussion.

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