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Valerie Aurora

He also argues for not attempting to understand the inner workings of systems but to observe their behavior (a key element of cybernetics) and suggesting we may have to give up on explaining why things happen or holding individual people accountable for things they neither control nor understand. "Accountability sinks" are a useful concept: the customer service agent who can do nothing to help yet must receive the signal from the customer that something is wrong

Valerie Aurora

Much of this is represented in the catch phrase of cybernetics:

"The Purpose of the System is What It Does"

If you try to look inside the system, you will see a lot of people who think their job is about producing petroleum products. On the outside, you will see an entire industry hell-bent on making the earth unlivable. This is the result of the overall economic system that focuses on this quarter's share price to the exclusion of nearly all else.

Valerie Aurora

Another interesting point is that the system outsources the bad stuff to individual humans because they have no way to communicate back to the system that things are bad. This brings me back to the discussion of funding open source maintenance at #OW2con. Software engineers in general are burned out because we have to do jobs that require maintenance work but are not allowed to do maintenance work on company time because of the short-sighted quarter-at-a-time planning horizon of business

Valerie Aurora

But the maintenance work must be done or we will lose our jobs, one way or another. So the software engineers with internal motivation and the ability to work unpaid end up doing the maintenance work - in addition to a full time job. The system has succeeded in blocking the signal that would prevent the focus on generating short-term profits by forcing the negatives onto individual humans. This, but for the entirety of humanity - and that's the polycrisis

Valerie Aurora

Hopefully this analysis makes it really clear why "why don't people just individually suddenly decide to do the 'right thing'" is never never the answer, in open source funding or supporting the arts or fighting climate change...

Misuse Case

@vaurora In the poverty abolitionists movement we take it as a given that people won’t “decide on their own to do the right thing,” for a variety of reasons. One reason is miseducation (about the causes of poverty among other things). So part of our job is to connect people’s experiences and observations to this larger framework of policies that create poverty, and offer clear principles and actions for changing those policies.


Misuse Case

@vaurora There are of course certain people whose interests are served by the status quo that creates poverty. So we have to organize impacted people and their advocates to become more powerful (collectively) than those folks.

But for most people we have to counteract the miseducation they’ve received, and get them mobilized.



@vaurora This was a very interesting thread, thanks for sharing! I will add this to my reading list.

Cecilia Mjausson Huster

@vaurora I'm loving this analysis, but I'm still at a loss when arguing against the people who think phenomena like climate change or worker exploitation can be changed through individuals' actions.

Does Davies have any ideas for how we change the systems?

Valerie Aurora

@mjausson I added a few things to the thread but it is ultimately unknowable what the other side of the polycrisis will look like

Cecilia Mjausson Huster

@vaurora I agree that we can't foretell the future. My concern is much more tactical.

The reason people talk about how we should all recycle is that it's something they feel they have a little bit control over. I'm looking for arguments and actions that have a similar appeal but have a better chance of leading where we want to go.

Valerie Aurora

One specific recommendation from _The Unaccountability Machine_ is very simple: if a company does a leveraged buyout of another company (buys the company with a little of their own money and puts a lot of debt on the company to pay the rest) then the buyer should have to guarantee the purchased company's debts - no more limited liability for you. This is one element of Elizabeth Warren's plan to rein in private equity - and the only one Davies thinks is necessary for that

Valerie Aurora

A general problem is wealth concentration, and there are many solutions to that, starting from the nicest one (a global wealth tax) to runaway inflation to massive destruction of capital to guillotines and assassinations and wars. It's been nice to see that a global wealth tax has recently become thinkable in many circles. But ultimately no one really knows what will emerge from the polycrisis

malena 👟👟

@vaurora a fascinating analysis, thanks for this review! still, people (unlike the components of cybernetics) are not automatons right. I’m remembering how bottom up consumer movements played a significant role in the banning of CFC’s etc and closing the hole in the ozone (for example)


@vaurora I'm having a yes-but-but-what-about reaction to this. There are small numbers of individual humans making influential decisions. And the regulatory systems fail not so much for lack of comprehension, but for lack of fangs, and we seem to have at least a generation of people fully bought in to the idea that restraining the system is BAD. (Had a discussion on old-people social network where I tried to explain why side guards on trucks save lives, but "w/o profits, no more trucks!")


@dr2chase @vaurora

Yes but how did the defanging happen? And why?

It’s not just lack of courage but also outsourcing and thus losing capacity, under-resourcing, under-powering, etc

Davies says 👇🏾 “For governments, the market is the ultimate accountability sink”


@Akshay @vaurora your gift link wants me to subscribe, maybe I should just buy the book instead (and add it to the backlog, behind the rest of Bicycling Science, spouse's book, Zivarts, Tapia, and a bunch of R textbooks).

My handwaving theory is "blame Milton Friedman" and "blame Reagan and Thatcher". A whole lot of big-money conservatives were (and still are) mad at FDR showing what big government could accomplish.

"The past is never dead. It's not even past."


@vaurora three months horizon for return on investment is especially terribly shortsighted when compared to our return on destruction, which will be reaped over centuries if not millennia.


@vaurora This is interesting, thanks. For me it raises a question: ignoring the inner workings - doesn't that perspective make it difficult/impossible to change the systems and their outcomes?

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