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@vaurora I'm having a yes-but-but-what-about reaction to this. There are small numbers of individual humans making influential decisions. And the regulatory systems fail not so much for lack of comprehension, but for lack of fangs, and we seem to have at least a generation of people fully bought in to the idea that restraining the system is BAD. (Had a discussion on old-people social network where I tried to explain why side guards on trucks save lives, but "w/o profits, no more trucks!")


@dr2chase @vaurora

Yes but how did the defanging happen? And why?

It’s not just lack of courage but also outsourcing and thus losing capacity, under-resourcing, under-powering, etc

Davies says 👇🏾 “For governments, the market is the ultimate accountability sink”


@Akshay @vaurora your gift link wants me to subscribe, maybe I should just buy the book instead (and add it to the backlog, behind the rest of Bicycling Science, spouse's book, Zivarts, Tapia, and a bunch of R textbooks).

My handwaving theory is "blame Milton Friedman" and "blame Reagan and Thatcher". A whole lot of big-money conservatives were (and still are) mad at FDR showing what big government could accomplish.

"The past is never dead. It's not even past."

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