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I'm learning swift to implement on-device translations, hashtag and alt-text suggestions!

don't worry, kotlin is next 😎

When it comes to adding features like these, I draw the line at on device processing when possible.

Privacy is fundamental, and I'm only willing to implement features like this if they can be implemented using native apis, we will never use ChatGPT or 3rd party APIs period.

#pixelfed #privacy


@grishka haha, of course you'd say that

I can do this with java too, expect me to bug you about this 😅

Mari 🏳️‍🌈

@dansup Swift is one of my favorite languages but I don't like apple anymore xD


@dansup Honestly, I thought you know Swift already. From your posts it seemed you primarily test and develop on operating systems of Apple and then extend the apps to Android. What technologies did you use? React Native?

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