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Loops and Sup were created out of my frustration with the state of the pixelfed app.

Things have changed, the new app is not only better, but ready for these features, but now I'm wondering if I should keep them separate



Simon Lucy


This is frequently the way with outgrowths. Perhaps incorporate them as named Features? Even if they have their own infrastructure.


@dansup keep them separate (at least for supp), for someone who will want to use/install only supp, the whole pixelfed will ne useless


I will proceed with separate apps, however, the main Pixelfed app with support both DMs and Video feeds like Loops.

My goal is to keep Pixelfed focused on our goal of photo/video sharing, but with seamless integration with our other services like Loops and Sup.


@dansup I am not a fan of having too many apps on my phone, so I'd like them grouped, yes!
But I would wish for a cleaner separation than IG does, I never really know what I'm seeing where.


@dansup i assume pixelfed would support following loops users but not post anything (as it is now), which is fine for most i guess

its kind of like twitter and vine was or compared to instagram and reels, both works
For the messenger app since it is not tried to pixelfed servers, I would say a separate app absolutely would work

Frank T

@dansup I like the idea that eventually Loops becomes the main thing and PixelFed can become part of it.


@dansup we've seen that both approaches can work, depending on the developer. Shortform video exists in 3 locations off the top of my head with differing reception. I think of TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. I think it matters if the dev can execute on an all-in-one platform well or if they would do better to keep them separated

Sascha Foerster :bonndigital:

@dansup difficult. Somehow I fear to many features in one app as this is the road to enshittification. Otherwise watching loops should work in Pixelfed apps (or Mastodon) otherwise. But different apps could focus in terms of ways of creation and could also focus in the way how the Fediverse in general is displayed.

Mastodon: text first.
Pixelfed: image/video first
Loops: video first (9/16)

But they all base on ActivityPub and are able to display it in a focused way.

@dansup difficult. Somehow I fear to many features in one app as this is the road to enshittification. Otherwise watching loops should work in Pixelfed apps (or Mastodon) otherwise. But different apps could focus in terms of ways of creation and could also focus in the way how the Fediverse in general is displayed.


@dansup I'm late to reply but I prefer the videos and photos apps to be separate. It can feel very unprofessional very quickly to have a bunch of nonsense internet videos mixed in with photography. Instagram feels like a junkyard of memes and nonsense at this point and it's nice that PixelFed isn't like that. Bogging down an app with too many things at once makes Instagram awful to use. I think this is why TikTok works better too. That's my 2 cents.

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