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NotHelpfulUntilIAm🥤 🌛 🗄️

@catsalad Showing how attribution works. Red team, blue team, banana team.

xyhhx :PunkFelix:

@catsalad there's a ton of videos of cats getting scared of cucumbers, and i recall reading that they think they're snakes

if true, i bet that's what's happening here too

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

@xyhhx I think it's the smell sometimes. One of my kitties hated the smell of banana peels.

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

@xyhhx But yeah, cats often are wary of snake shaped objects like that

NotHelpfulUntilIAm🥤 🌛 🗄️

@catsalad Actually, grindcore team. whupp whup whup wheeee

Tim Hergert

@catsalad I think that this comes on the heels of Chiquita being held liable for funding a bad paramilitary organization.

Cat is just trying to exact retribution.


@cjust @catsalad isn’t this General Foods renamed? Didn’t they do something similar in Guatemala? Didn’t they use CIA contacts to overthrow the government there?

Thomas Sturm

@catsalad Fighting the yellow snakes. Good kitty!


@catsalad (Australian accent) the Banana is one of the deadliest fruit* on the planet :ms_banana: :blobfoxscared:

you were fortunate to have that cat, mate... lucky to be alive :ms_cat_smile:

could be laying somewhere full of potassium right now. game over :blobfoxdead:

*technically a berry, but shh

Yusuf Toropov

@catsalad What's really happening here is that the cat has figured out that some yellow snakes hold absolutely still for maximum camouflage advantage... and has made a personal commitment to make them pay.

I salute this brave feline.

Rob Chapman :ohai: ✍🏼🐧


It's fair to say that It's a bad day for Chiquita!

Martin EA7KRC

Aggressive bananas frightening that poor pussy cat...

Whiskey Bottle

@catsalad Your smoothie should be ready in just a few minutes. 🐱🍌


@catsalad Still kinda sad that all my cats so far have been like "Yes. A banana. And?"

Steven Sandoval

@catsalad I'm just quietly horrified the catʼs paws are contaminating countertops.

United Space Cats 😻

@catsalad Radioactive banana, activate secure hooman mode. :pensive_party_blob:

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