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Yrba Eboovaf 𓃬𓅳

@Haeckse I think you mean #RollbackSaturday. #RolebackSaturday would maybe be about the new member of the development team being sent back to his job in the post room.

Chris :mastozany:

20 GOTO 10



@scrat @grumpygamer I see your angle, Christian.

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
while (true)
std::cout << “Sunday! “;

Sean Murthy

@grumpygamer what's the expectation? Show our own source code? Show some/any source code?


And what's the genre? Comedy, tragedy, or maybe even horror? 😱

Sean Murthy

@ge0rg exactly my fear if showing any source code. I predict 8 out of 10 showings to be about the horror that is someone else's code. @grumpygamer


@grumpygamer Well this sunday's code is embarrassing (some level editor undo-redo code retrofitted into old code that wasn't first written with this is mind), so here's a (what I thought back in the day was) minimal code for supporting drag and drop into a Windows window:



@grumpygamer If Ron Gilbert says so, it's probably a good idea.

This isn't the most impressive block of code, but it might be the most important. I had to write this to fix a bug in a source library. Turns out, OpenStreetMap has some places in its database that have more shapes than .NET has stack memory. Replacing the recursive call with a simple list lets this work on the whole globe now.


A screenshot of a function that takes OSM data and converts it to NetTopologySuite Geometry objects.
Torbjörn Andersson


I wrote this code without thinking, and then I stopped to look at what I had written...

Oh dear.


The code reads:



delete lucasFilm;
delete loom;
delete window;
Torbjörn Andersson


Some context: It's part of ScummVM's implementation of the "About" dialog for the Macintosh version of Loom. It contains two images: One with the Lucasfilm Games logo, and one with the Loom logo. This is just part of cleaning up once the dialog had finished.

Though I'm told this is one of the few (perhaps the only?) version of Loom that Limited Run Games didn't unearth for their Loom re-release. I haven't completely ruled out that I did something bad after all...

The two images from the Macintosh version of Loom, one showing the Lucasfilm Games logo and the other showing the Loom logo.
Tony :unreal:

@grumpygamer behold my FindPath function, which uses an A* search to find the shortest path between two tiles on a hex grid using only tiles of the same type.

To be expanded. 👀

#sourcecodesunday #UnrealEngine #GameDev


@grumpygamer with this toot you have instantly locked the two wolves inside me in a mortal battle between "yeah! programming is fun and cool!" and "no! promulgating a toxic hustle culture will burn people out!"

Eliot Lash

Ok, here's some code I am working on today to add support to #Tusky for default reply visibility setting on Mastodon posts

Shout out to the original author @pixellight - I am just doing some small fixes to her code to get it ready to merge. Very excited about this being merged soon because I have been running a custom fork of Tusky since 2022 just so I could get this one feature. I love #OpenSource!

#SourceCodeSunday #MastoDev #AndroidDev

Ok, here's some code I am working on today to add support to #Tusky for default reply visibility setting on Mastodon posts

Shout out to the original author @pixellight - I am just doing some small fixes to her code to get it ready to merge. Very excited about this being merged soon because I have been running a custom fork of Tusky since 2022 just so I could get this one feature. I love #OpenSource!

Pixel Light

@grumpygamer @Eliot_L oh thanks! I did see it needed merge conflicts fixed but hadn't had time to get to it

Eliot Lash

@pixellight No worries! Happy to help get this merged, thank you for implementing it initially. Like I said this feature is so important to me I have been running a custom fork of Tusky for years just to get it. So I am happy I convinced ConnyDuck that we should merge this feature, finally.



MODULE Sunday;
IMPORT Dos, io;
VAR date: Dos.Date;
BEGIN Dos.DateStamp(date);
IF date.days MOD 7 = 0 THEN
io.WriteString("It is #SourceCodeSunday!");
io.WriteString("I guess we have to wait. :-(");
END Sunday.

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