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I can't prevent pixelfed forks, but I will do my best to accommodate feedback and feature requests, and encourage people to take on a more dedicated role within our project!

We are stronger and better together!

We really need a project manager type person to help me prioritize, so I can do what I do best and leave the community management to someone more skilled in that.


@dansup I'd like to help out. I'm a PM, business analyst, and scrum master

Chris 🦑

@dansup would honestly love to do that. no budget, I guess?

Gen X-Wing

@dansup For big crazy ideas a fork can be better. It can be a friendly one for sure. And if it pans out I think a merge is good idea.

I think there’s been too many forks in anger, and we’d be better off with less of those imho.

Also stale PRs make me sad. Love to see them either merged or rejected (I mean some aren’t good for various reasons).

Good luck!

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