@Tupp_ed Yes. The mathematics of this is called Queueing Theory. You need "spare" resources to stop the queue growing. I don't have a link to the source, so take this with a grain of salt, but a few years ago a colleague demonstrated this with public health in the UK; there were 43 vets checking out Brit cow herds at 100% "efficiency". They needed 3 more to avoid a backlog growing. The result was billions of pounds wasted because they didn't stop mad cow disease in time.
@amckinstry @Tupp_ed One of the best books I have read in business is this one https://www.amazon.com/Slack-Getting-Burnout-Busywork-Efficiency/dp/0767907698
Key principle: we need to allow for slack in processes so they can absorb delay, prevent burnout, but also have some reserves in the tank to deal with crises.
If @Tupp_ed wants to borrow my copy this can be arranged.