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Eugen Rochko

If you created your account a long time ago, you may be seeing Mastodon's advanced web interface (multiple columns). That interface has not been the default for years now. You can control which one you see from Preferences.

Michael :mastodon:

@Gargron Isn't that the only way to 'follow' hashtags though? Or am I missing something?

Löwe (inactive)

@gargron it's only REALLY Mastodon with Advanced interface and dark theme 😎


@Gargron thanks for sharing that! Time to dig around in preferences then 😁

Seth Is Podcasting 🌻

@Gargron why isn't it the main interface anymore? It's so much better! LOL

Adam Dalliance

@Gargron Why anyone would do so is the puzzling question.

I can imagine single-column being less intimidating for newbies but if you're already used to the lists and columns stuff no reason to go back to the fisher price version.

honk honk I'm a truck *brrrrr*

@Gargron Thanks, I... think I hate it?

<goes to turn that back on>


@Gargron oh my god 🤯 This interface was driving me nuts!

YellowPink Ship Enthusiast

@Gargron I went and checked it out and immediately came back to the advanced interface.


@Gargron I really love the advanced interface, but the CSS limiting the column width and preventing it from fully using my wide screen estate is a bit annoying ... any chance of this getting fixed?

(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

@Gargron I've been switching between the two for some time now. Is the multi-column, TweetDeck-like interface going to be phased out? (I'm not worried, really, I like both.)

Mike Burns

@Gargron I want to thank you for a real subtle thing you did: you and the team introduced a new feature and, instead of forcing it on everyone, rolled it out only to new members. You did it so seamlessly that none of us even noticed the new feature was there.

That took a lot of consideration and showed that you care about the people using the app. So, thanks for that.


@Gargron Thanks, but I like it! Reminds me of tweetdeck before Twitter bought them and ruined it.


@Gargron I saw that option and turned it on. Did a big NOPE NOPE NOPE and switched back to basic. Im sure Advanced can be made to be very good, but it looks terrible out of the box. Simple layout is certainly good enough for me

Michael Daniel

@Gargron I like the advanced interface better than the new one! It helps me keep the various streams straight in my head.

wobweger :verified:

@Gargron thx for the hint
gave me a jump start 🙂


@Gargron We need more layout options. Twitter still feels better right now.
Also a true black theme would be nice.

flutergork🌻️🇨🇦️ 🇺🇦

@Gargron It works for me. I'd probably get lost if I changed it.

ᚦᛖᚩᛞᛒᛖᚩᚱᚾ :yikes:

@Gargron my available space is very limited at work, so I might use the non-advanced one from there. Thanks!

Round Meat on Bone Enjoyer

@Gargron oh my god thank you so much for posting this i had no idea

Dinah 🕊🇺🇦

@Gargron I love the multiple column interface. 💖 Super great for following hashtags and having a feeling of entering that community as you read that column.

billy joe bowers - Harris2024


I liked the old one OK, but I love this newer interface. So simple and clean. Just works.


@Gargron I am new here but multiple columns with hashtags is the killer feature for me. I am spending way more time here then I should LoL 😁

Sunflower Björnskalle 🌻

@Gargron Oh wow, that interface is why I didn't stick around the first time. It's so overwhelming...

Prinz / Homescreen

@Gargron I am unable to follow people after last update in android

Dr. Francis B. Gröss

@Gargron I prefer the many column view. But it's almost a dealbreaker one can't move the column on the right. That's the column you have to compose your answers.
Click on a toot on a left column, answer on the utmost right. Feels 'unnatural'


@Gargron thanks for that.

Explains why the mileage was varying as they say

Esi Jóhannes G.

@Gargron I love the default web interface even though I started with the advanced web interface. I sorely miss the ability to follow hashtags though. :(


@Gargron I'm sure many power users like "Advanced view", but like tweetdeck it's always looked like "work" instead of "fun" to me :ablobcateyesflip:

Rich (RJ)

@gargron thank you - I wondered where that went

Rich (RJ)

@gargron Is this instance specific? I can only get Home, Notifications and one more on the one I'm on, event with 'Advanced' turned on.

Andrew Meier

@Gargron I loved when I saw this when it first showed up. Keep hoping to see it in the iPadOS version along with better keyboard support. If I could code I’d totally attempt to add it.

In other news thanks for all the hardwork, I appreciate the ability to come back to see it’s still running and additional features/active development. Of course thanks to the the whole team & all the instance admins.

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