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Bruce Heerssen

@awooo @davidrevoy
This is a good strategy. Who doesn't want a dragon friend

GuB 🕶️🎸🔌🎚️🔊💥

Ceci dit, si elle avait briquée son épée, au moins on peut se battre avec une brique (et une bonne chaussette)

Ray Of Sunlight

@davidrevoy And this, kids, wis why Windows kinda sucks.

David Revoy

@doctormo True, I needed a very common tragedy this time. 😅
I have to heal from an experience with my last distro.

Martin Owens :inkscape:


As Shakespeare once wrote:

"Be not afraid of updates: some are pre-installed, some update themselves and some have updates thrust upon them’’

David Revoy

@doctormo 🤣 🤣

"In the midst of a deadline, do not disrupt the flow by updating your GNU/Linux distribution." ~~ Lao Tsu

Grum999 :grum_rsquare:

@davidrevoy we won't tell on which OS the sword was running on :ablobcattrash:

David Revoy

@grum999 🤫 😊 Yes.
By the way, the new one :debian: is just perfect. 😉

Grum999 :grum_rsquare:

@davidrevoy it has always been perfect :ablobcatcoffee: :blobcathappy:


@davidrevoy Ça me rappelle que je ne peux toujours pas installer la toute dernière version de LibreOffice Writer parce qu'elle "oublie" de conserver les raccourcis clavier basiques qui permettent de taper facilement des À ou des Ç ou des œ sous Windows -_-

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