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Quinn Norton

Young people are waking up every day to media about war, genocides, dead children. They are unsure of being able to make a living, scared by debt, violence, addiction, homelessness. They are unsure if the burning planet will even support their lives. They are struggling for secure basic housing after having their lives upended by a pandemic...

meanwhile the NYT:

Woozle Hypertwin

@quinn ...where by "smartphones", they don't mean "tech companies who make smartphones" or "smartphone UX design" or "people who sell smartphones", but of course "kids these days spend too damn much time on their smartphones when they should be out being abused and underpaid for the plutonomy working an honest job" or whatever.

Diane 🕵


The first iPhone was released late 2007, and yet the wealthy pundits never even mention the 2008 financial crisis when talking about the rise in depression they say correlates with the start of the smartphone era, when the imploding economy is also right there.

I'm beginning to suspect a conspiracy to isolate kids and teens from being able to share information sources outside of what's owned and controlled by the wealthy elites.

I'm thinking attacking smartphones is part of the campaign led by Republicans to block social media, ban books on slavery and Jim Crow, or the existence of LGBTQ people. The purpose of the campaign is to prevent kids & teens from seeing information that leads them to despise Republicans.


The first iPhone was released late 2007, and yet the wealthy pundits never even mention the 2008 financial crisis when talking about the rise in depression they say correlates with the start of the smartphone era, when the imploding economy is also right there.

I'm beginning to suspect a conspiracy to isolate kids and teens from being able to share information sources outside of what's owned and controlled by the wealthy elites.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦


image description:

Screenshot of a headline of an article in the Opinion section, published May 1, 2024.


Are Smartphones Driving Our Teens to Depression?


@quinn 'Well, I doomscroll and am depressed, so these innoncent little angels (said by someone who has not interacted with a 14-16 year old in a long, long time) must be protected!

It is the method of getting the information to blame!

In all honestly, they really would prefer that sub 18 year olds (and 25, even) are kept completely 'sealed' from any other information except what they control. Because if they control that, the children will unquestionably agree! (spoiler: Not how kids work)


@Oggie @quinn That hasn’t changed, though. If you’re a minor, your access to information is heavily restricted and monitored by everyone who claims to have an interest in your well-being—which is to say, no one, not a damn person. It’s really hard to feel like anyone cares about your well-being when they’re clearly pursuing an abstraction of what an ideal child ought to be.

Aphrodite ☑️ :boost_ok:

@enoch_exe_inc @Oggie @quinn


They saved my sanity as an abused kid.

I was able to do a lot of research and reading without adults knowing everything I was studying.


@quinn so the answer is "yes", I guess?



you know the famous @paulisci thread about kids don't want to work anymore ?

This "kids are depressed due to X" thing is probably as old

Mx Verda

@quinn Ha! I was suicidal at, like, 10 (well before I had a smartphone). I win.

"This is fine" dog in burning house meme, but it's anthropomorphic / humanised fire sat at the table saying that with puppies around them instead. Also I hate dogs, so it's kinda fitting in multiple ways.

@MxVerda @quinn I was 17 when I tried. Before the Internet was really a thing outside of university campuses.

Ciarán McNally

Is the reality of a corrupt socioeconomic system plagued by a legacy of descriminatory systemic social norms and maintained by a sociopathic media sphere, somewhat depressing?


@quinn yes, I'm with you. Smartphones have not created behaviours, desires, fears or conflicts that haven't existed before. They haven't changed the core drivers and expressions of human nature. They're not the cause.

OTOH, I remember as a teen being really glad I got to go home at the end of the day, away from those bitches who tormented me. Now kids carry their bullies home in their pockets. Now their terrible decisions get memorialised and shared. Phones make some bad things worse.


@quinn Well, it is an opinion, and you know what they say about them: "Everyone has opinions and arseholes, and they both stink"

So par for the course.



To the extent that the smart phones are showing the teens what the asshats at NYT and other oligarchs are doing to the country and the planet, yes. Taking away their phones is not going to solve that, though.


@quinn - Blaming technology is as old as, well, technology. Similar "panic buttons" have been pressed regarding DVD players, TV, transistor radios, the telephone, and so on back through history; I'm certain that the printing press was also considered a cause for panic by those who seek to profit from panic. Heck, the same treatment was probably given to flint-knapping! There are always people who want to pin their own disappointments and fears on whatever is the latest technology at the time.


@BirdsInMyBrain @quinn

"These kids today are running around with stone tablets, wasting their time carving glyphs about Ra and Isis while expecting those pyramids to build themselves." -- Ancient Egyptian Boomer


@quinn I'll play devil's advocate and say there is definitely correlation (not causation), yes.

#RedOctober 4 The #Phillies

@quinn Most every psychology study I’ve read has rightly pointed out that #socialmedia and the peer pressure it’s created to be perfect has fueled massive #depression and #suicidal ideation.

So we can make fun of the Times, sure, but the issue of #computers in our teens’ pockets and immediate access to the #internet isn’t something to take lightly.

For our #privacy OR our kids’ minds and wellbeing.


@thetechtutor @quinn Remember what I sarcastically said about blaming the messenger earlier?

This is what it looks like when you're foolishly not being sarcastic.


@quinn i was a teen long before cell phones even existed and i had chronic depression

so, sure, it could contribute, but it isn't the only reason

Tidings of Comfort & Jo

@quinn and they are being told to shut up about it or they’ll be arrested.



fight like " Educated' We Stand ' .
and Carl Sagan books. what!?

skateparks - @ public avail . every town

Sam Thurston :verified:

@quinn is it the smartphones or the old media institutions that thrive on chaos and fear?

Old media: it's the phones, duh.


@quinn State violence continues to tear families apart, destroy education, infratstructure, healthcare, increase precarious employment, no living wage jobs, no housing....


@quinn @Adam_Cadmon1 phones and more specifically, apps, do keep kids up later, and schools start too early, which means kids don't get enough sleep and are less equipped to handle all the other stresses.


@quinn Are they? I don't know any young people, but just figured that they spend all day looking at tiktok or porn.

Angry Sun
@quinn teens are pretty resilient to almost everything except peer abuse so I believe it is the phones.
Frost, Wolffucker 🐺:therian:

@quinn ah yes

you know, the box that lets us talk to our friends when we're not at home.

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@quinn counterpoint: The only thing we need to do is get rid of smartphones and teens will immediately be happy again... Yes I know I slayed you with my logic! 🤡🥴



Also, they live in a world where parents would rather their kids die than have them homeschooled during a pandemic.

Or for that matter, die at school rather than have basic gun control.


When I was a kid, we listened to Walter Cronkite delivering the U. S. death toll from Vietnam every night on the Evening News, then went to school to "hide" under our particle board desks to escape the impending nuclear bombs from the USSR, & then got home to be beaten with belts and paddles for "sass".
Also, my dad went on strike for months with no income, and gas stations had huge lines with only certain days you could buy gas.
We didn't have video games, either.
So, please.


@DrOinFLA @quinn right? And look how well boomers turned out!

The Great Llama :fuck_verify:

Alternate title suggestion: "We live in a dystopian nightmare. Being conscious of it could affect your mental health!"


@quinn I have Seen. -'kids', as I am an 'old guy'-have no social skills what-so-ever. No recognition of humor, or compliment- the blank stare is worrisome. 'Oh, that's just the way kids are' parents say--I Say, 'That is Your fault!' "kids' will need to assimilate into society Someday. Your job is to prepare them, parents .

Stephanie Moore

@quinn there’s a looooong history of blaming the medium instead of the message. It’s so much easier to critique inanimate objects.


@quinn Hell, I haven’t been a teen in decades and what I see depresses me. I think if you’re not at least end bummed out somewhat by the state of the world, there might be something wrong making the accusation of “smart phones are the real problem” < principle Skinner broken window meme>

Paul Turnbull :CApride:

@quinn Teen depression was quite high in the 80s as well because, well, the world I grew up in had a massive threat looming over us. These days while social media is creating changes we have to think about they are not the underlying reason for why our youth may be even more bereft than my generation was.

bird-shirted puzzle baby

@quinn this shady ass shit drives even more behind the "limit their screen time" mommy bloggers

Clancy Parliament

"...Waking up every day to media..."
We had violence and wars and genocides, famines, recessions, unaffordable housing, unemployment, in "the late 1900s" too. But we heard about it for maximum 1hr a day on the "TV" then went on with our lives. Y'all have a tiny box that blares the worst news of the worst people in the world at all hours of the day -- it's at least a contributing factor. . .


@ClancyParliament @quinn On the other hand, though, we also had the "inevitable" nuclear holocaust hovering overhead to the point that it shows up in pop songs: Silent Running, Eastern Wind, 99 Luftballons, etc. etc. etc.

I mean in German dance clubs we were DANCING to inevitable nuclear holocaust!

Joey Jojo
@quinn Show me a time in history when there hasn't been war, cold war, genocides, hunger and children dying? Today's kids are emotionally weak because they are taught to be weak. Nothing new is going on. The phones may be a vector for information over load otherwise same shit different era.

@quinn The NYT Opinion has long been deeply toxic. And Politico Opinion, too. Maybe it's a common problem with news outlets.

Dark Horse

@quinn I would say the distraction and hopelessness offered on the smartphone is not a good thing. Their government could certainly care less about them. It is a declining empire that sees them as sources of revenue. Dut if they were organized into coalitions of power then the government would have to listen.



I am surprised at all the supporters of smartphones for kids.

I am a parent of two teens and 1-pre teen and smartphones are an absolute disaster for kids. Sure, all the social anxiety and teen drama has been around for ever, but when I was a teen, you "unplugged" from it at home and on the weekends. Now for many teens it is like a 24/7 IV plugged into their mind causing manipulation and anxiety.

I try to monitor it..but unplugging them causes social isolation. Its terrible.


@quinn my RSS news feed is indeed terribly depressing.

Angie 🇵🇸🇺🇦


"Wait! Wait! What if it's rock music?" - clueless adults

Gregory McCracken

@quinn The Times is like the uncle who always has to ruin your day... with his "wisdom."

Jigme Datse

@quinn I was listening to CBC this afternoon, and report of banning cell phone use while in school... While I *think* there's an argument for reducing how it can be distracting for *some* people (I've seen it more often than I've seen it be useful), the outright ban kind of stinks.


@quinn Well, the NYT isn't WRONG as such. I mean it is, after all, smartphones delivering all that media about war, genocide, the death of children, etc. to them.

And we all know it's always the messenger who's to blame, right?

Earthlingz ✌️🍉#سلام #HetBoñhe

Understandable. Taking USA as an example I see probability of say USA: purging (genocide or flee) immigrants; oppression of dissidents (incl CC); beating & maiming dissidents; growth of child marriage & forced pregnancy; increasing shootings (police & extremists);.... chaos ...
The oppression is important (eg demonstrations, tiktok), democracy dies in silence.

Earthlingz ✌️🍉#سلام #HetBoñhe

Teens are actively addressing Climate Change. Govs are banning demonstrations, trying to ban them from social media, police violence at demonstrations, control of media (forced sale of tiktok), now it's bad for their mental health

... climate change is bad for their mental, physical, emotional health & if social media allows expression, let them.



Everything you said applies to EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET. 🙄


@quinn in all fairness there’s a lot of misinformation out there.


@quinn Not only our children. It makes all of us crazy and is going to be the reason for the next civil war.

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