something ive been noticing recently is an eagerness to attribute malice and negative labels to people who intend no malice

and that all it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time for people to assume bad things about you

like, yes, a pattern is a pattern. like, if a user posts mainly transphobic stuff, they're definitely a transphobe

but sometimes, someone might not understand that something is transphobic. or they might copy and paste a quote, not understanding the historical significance of it. or they might reshare a meme not seeing that there's a nazi symbol hidden in the corner

a lot of people will latch onto these little things and accuse the person of being racist, transphobic, etc. and then further dig into it saying that if you don't also interpret it that way, you must also be racist, transphobic, etc.

this is toxic, fedi

people shouldnt feel like theyre walking on eggshells because anything they innocently post might be taken as bad

im not saying we should be ignoring these things either, but im getting burned out from being called this or that because im not seeing presented evidence as conclusive

just... have fun, fedi