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The new Pixelfed mobile app will preserve media aspect ratios, no need to tap to view the full image as photos will be rendered to preserve native aspect ratios😎



@dansup I like it, this is one of the reasons I switched to Pixeldroid. Looking forward to the new app.

Marco :nonuke:

Just a question: where can I find the version of my app? How can I find out there is an update?


@Batarea The new app isn't available yet, while the code is open source, I still have to finish a few things before it's ready for the general public.


@dansup this was the thing that bothered me the most about the pixelfed app. Happy to see it fixed


@dansup actively you took on the improvement lately, a lot of cool solutions applied, cool, waiting!

Chris Wood

@dansup @pixelfed you’re smashing it! It’s looking great!

Homer S.

@dansup Looking really forward to that update!

I found most bothering that even if I tap open a pic the viewport stays limited to the area it takes when fit to the screen by its width.
So pinch zooming is limited to a annoying small area with any landscape formatted image.

Maybe that's fixable too? 😬

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