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Just finished adding like, reply, and report features to comments in the new Pixelfed app!

I’m proud of the progress I’m making, just a few lil things to wrap up before it’s ready for the beta release 😁

(Then I can get back to Groups, Loops, PubKit and Sup)

Emelia 👸🏻

@dansup how do you report from the comments view? I recall there being a button?

Resol van Lemmy

@dansup please don't make the replies section look as bad as Instagram


@resol How would you change this?

Could you design a mockup of a comment section you'd rather see? I'm open to evolving this layout.

Resol van Lemmy

@dansup the video linked below fixes the Instagram UI. I recommend you take inspirations from it.


@resol Oh this is a good one, I've seen this before!

Cairo Braga

@dansup as someone who wants to run a single-user Pixelfed instance, I'm very much looking forward to it. in the meantime I'll try to run a single-user "normal" Pixelfed instance, hehehe. thanks for replying!

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