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:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷 run after women and they'll collar me, i see i see

Chakat Firepaw

@Arioch @davidrevoy

I'll tell you one thing: They're easy to feed for a while, just teach them to copy an Amazon package.

@davidrevoy This is basically Frieren :blobcatjoy: lovely comic

@cptcv @davidrevoy
Et maintenant je sais les mots français pour "sapient pearwood". Merci.

David Revoy

@cptcv @CppGuy 💜 Ca fait plaisir de lire des commentaires du Disque Monde. Ma petite allusion fonctionne au poil :blobaww:

cptcv 🌼

@davidrevoy C'est pas pour rien que j'ai deux fleurs en avatar 🤪 @CppGuy

David Revoy

@cptcv @CppGuy Oh mais... wow! J'étais totalement passé à côté. Maintenant tout est clair !


@davidrevoy Ah yes, the Minecraft method of taming =P

Olivier Saraja ☕️📚🦖🛸👻

@davidrevoy Cette nouvelle série est désormais très prometteuse. Quelle est ton idée derrière le format carré des planches? Tu ne te coupes pas l'herbe sous les pieds pour une éventuelle diffusion papier relié?

David Revoy

@oliviersaraja Merci! Le format carré, c'est juste pratique pour une consomation directe sur les reseaux sociaux; ça passe et en écran de PC/laptop, et en mode mobile à la verticale. Pour une publi papier, on verra; mais je pense à un petit format comme un manga carré. Ca serait sympa à bouquiner. Mais oui, ça marchera pas dans un album classique A4 BD couleur avec couv en dure, mais pas trop grave... Web first et community first 😉

@lp0_on_fire I was going to say The Luggage’s nephew :)

David Revoy

@jargoggles Perfect 🙂 That's indeed a little cameo in disguise (for copyright reason).

David Revoy

@jargoggles Yep, good dogo-like-treasure CC-BySa Creature :D For future video games derivations maybe.


@jargoggles @davidrevoy
My first allusion too. Never heard of this "Mimic" D'n'D thing. Also, I don't recall it being mentioned on, back when I was reading that on dial-up. The Librarians on lspace were quite into their D'n'D, as I recall.


@davidrevoy FYI on the alt-text (not intended as criticism): that particular type of monster is generally known in English as a "Mimic" given that they 'mimic' treasure chests. And in panel two she throws a bone 'at' the mimic, not 'to' it ('to' implies she's intending for the mimic to catch it, while 'at' implies she wants to hit it with the bone).

For some reason this reminds me of "The Luggage" from Discworld... (basically a mimic that acts like a very overprotective dog, and also happens to function like a self-propelled larger-on-the-inside luggage trunk)

@davidrevoy FYI on the alt-text (not intended as criticism): that particular type of monster is generally known in English as a "Mimic" given that they 'mimic' treasure chests. And in panel two she throws a bone 'at' the mimic, not 'to' it ('to' implies she's intending for the mimic to catch it, while 'at' implies she wants to hit it with the bone).

David Revoy

@becomethewaifu Thank you. yes, the Luggage reference is wanted (Discworld fan here 😉 ).
The Mimic is a DnD name at origin (so copyright?) but the creature exist in many fantasy games, anime, and books. That's why I prefered to avoid this name. On a personal note: I like the versions in Dragon Quest or in Secret of Mana.


@davidrevoy Honestly calling it a mimic is perfectly fine, because names are generally handled under trademark, not copyright, and trademark almost always requires that a mark not be 'generic' or 'purely descriptive'. And given that calling "a monster mimicking a thing" (treasure chest, chair, etc.) 'a mimic' is about as descriptive as you can get, any attempt at 'enforcement' would likely be grounds for sanctions against the lawyers that filed it with how purely-descriptive it is.

Now the term 'Hobbit' on the other hand, that was made up by Tolkien, and his descendants are dead set on keeping that trademark/copyright money-train going as long as they're legally able to, which is why almost everything else uses the term 'halfling' instead (which predates DnD by "a few centuries", and is thus also free to use)

@davidrevoy Honestly calling it a mimic is perfectly fine, because names are generally handled under trademark, not copyright, and trademark almost always requires that a mark not be 'generic' or 'purely descriptive'. And given that calling "a monster mimicking a thing" (treasure chest, chair, etc.) 'a mimic' is about as descriptive as you can get, any attempt at 'enforcement' would likely be grounds for sanctions against the lawyers that filed it with how purely-descriptive it is.


@davidrevoy I'm thinking DISCWORLD 1, 2 for the PS1...

Jack Laridian

Love it!! I had an NPC like this who had a pet mimic that stayed in the form of an over-sized backpack. 🥰

David Revoy

@Gords Oui :blobaww: 🎇🐢🐘🐘🐘🐘🎇


@davidrevoy this is amazing. You do wonderful work.

Nosaj :boost_ok: :loading:


Was more than half expecting a Frieren face first into the mimic meme panel


@davidrevoy i love your beautiful little comics

Cyber Yuki

@davidrevoy The real treasure is the mimics we found along the way 🥰

Psoul 🏳️‍🌈:vbike:🇺🇸

@davidrevoy cette planche voit ses personnages s’approfondir bien plus que dans certains films, comme Star Wars episode 9.

This strip has more character development than some movies, like Star Wars episode 9.

David Revoy

@psoul 🤣 🤣 🤣 A full dual character arcs in 4 pictures, no text! 😊

GuB 🗿🪐🧲

@davidrevoy il manque les centaines de petites jambes au bagage 😁

David Revoy

@gub Oui ( ✨🐢🐘🐘🐘🐘✨ , la tortue se meut 😉 )


@davidrevoy Il est adorable :)
Très bonne idée ce crossover discworld !

David Revoy

@touhoppai Merci ! J'ai cru quand même que ça allait être un peu heavy en termes de gag à référence, mais ça a l'air de bien passer. (Alicja ne connaissait pas ce genre de monstre, donc elle trouvait ça gentillet, mais sans plus, limite un peu gratuit).

Kalle Katt

@davidrevoy Literally just the luggage from Discworld. Albeit, a bit less murderous than the luggage.

David Revoy

@Kallekatt13 I'm so happy many got the reference 🐢🐘🐘🐘🐘 . That's the closest thing I can do without doing a copyright infringement an inventing my own luggage-like creature. ☺️

Kalle Katt

@davidrevoy I love Discworld, even tho I often feel like I've read too little of it.

Steven Sandoval

@davidrevoy I know itʼs meant to be a mimic, but I canʼt help but think it is a chest made of sapient pearwood. #discworld

Psy Chuan :therian:

@davidrevoy someone who appreciates it more than Rincewind!

David Revoy

@justin Right, I'll try to remember about it!


@davidrevoy Is that made out of sapient pearwood? 😁


@davidrevoy I shared that with my players. I get back “yes yes YES YES YES”. They’ve been wanting a pet mimic for four years!


@davidrevoy Reminds me of chester from don't starve.

Xalofar shylisé ⚰️

@davidrevoy Je suis certain que Frieren serait heureuse de voir ça...
Et Fern complètement dépitée 😂

( Frieren étant un manga où l'héroïne principale se fait toujours avoir par les mimiques)

Claudio Zizza 🦜

@davidrevoy You know that treasure chests can contain rare grimoire? Ignore the spell that can tell if a chest is a mimic or not. It's just 99% accurate. #frieren


@davidrevoy can we see the influence of the Luggage from the Discworld series? 😉😄

David Revoy

@physicman Oh yes, big time! 🐢 🐘🐘🐘🐘 😉 👍

Clifton Royston


Do you have these hosted somewhere that I could give as a more permanent link than a mastodon reference? This is delightful and I’d like to share it with someone.

David Revoy

@CliftonR Thank you! Right now, I just have a tag on my blog , but I'm starting to think about a dedicated website with all sources, translations, etc... I'll post about it as soon as I have something, but it might take time.

Clifton Royston


Thank you! I tracked it down on your website in the meantime, but it would be great if you included a shareable link with the Mini Fantasy Theater posts because I keep feeling compelled to share them.

(In this case to my kid who’s both a D&D player and a Pratchett fan.)

David Revoy

@CliftonR Noted! (And cool kid, you are lucky!)


@davidrevoy Is it possible to have the Alt-Text available on your site as well?

David Revoy

@TheLostSorcerer Hey, I wish; but my blog system is a bit of an older age and I don't manage its code base. I would need to get a way to enter multiline alt text and a system that encode the characters like " or anything that can jailbreak the alt="" tag attribute. It's not simple, but it is noted.

The future MiniFantasyTheatre website will have it (alt text are already part of the metadata that goes along episodes in my brainstorming) I'm working on that.

@davidrevoy I thought multiline alt text was a bad idea?
I think I remember it from this article:

@davidrevoy omg no don't fall for it it's a mimic

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