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Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@mhoye @simon @anildash I think today there's still a place for "link in bio" type sites, especially when you might have, say, more than 4 links (i.e., mastodon) or more than the one which most social media allows.

I'm actually thinking that's what I'll make be eventually.

Simon Willison

@thisismissem @mhoye @anildash those are fine - if anything they're healthy, I like that people are encouraged to tie their various online presences together in a single place

What I hate is when people stop linking to and sharing individual articles because they are encouraged not to do that

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@simon @mhoye @anildash yeah, that's fair. I think that's also due to accounts being regularly suspended due to the contents at the link (i.e., it's very common that posting an onlyfans URL in an instagram story will result in your account being suspended)

And the reason I mention something adult here, is because they're often leaders with how these link in bio services are used. e.g., Tumblr blocks all links to, but you can use a custom domain to make it work.

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