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I'm not perfect, which is why I listen to feedback and implement it accordingly.

Let me give you an example, @kyva commented on a post I made mentioning our onboarding flow is far from perfect.

Instead of ignoring them, or trying to justify it, I asked for their feedback.

They responded with mockups that solve the issue, so I let them know we'll be implementing this in our new app!

I just finished it, and can't wait to ship the new app!!

Keep the feedback coming! ❤️


@kyva Thanks again for speaking out and helping our project to improve on this essential feature!

We ❤️ people like you who go out of their way to help improve open source projects like ours, and we have a role for you on our team if you are interested 😁

Zbigniew 'Emill' Pławecki ♿️🎮

@dansup do You have any plans to further develop Stories? I mean, with features like possibility to write text, emojis, stickers, adding place pin and so on?

שִׁמְעוֹן Ⓐ :polyamory_flag:

@dansup @kyva hmm, I was expecting a way less toxic interaction on the language level initially. But happy it worked out in the end.

Fink :antifa:

@dansup @pixelfed @kyva Do the instances have a short description? If so it would be helpful to show that, that I can see why I'd want to choose one over the other.
If not: that would be a nice feature in general for Fedi instances :)

Jorge Saturno :niboe:

@dansup @kyva thanks for listening to the users. kyva is actually hosting the most reliable pixelfed server for the Spanish-speaking community 🧡

Robert Boler

@dansup @kyva Thank you for having the humility and wisdom to accept feedback— particularly when it comes to inviting new folks to the federated web. 💙

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