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Marieke van Vugt

@albertcardona So true! And on top of that, it's often super hard to figure out where/how to buy the relevant tickets. You don't want to know how much time I spent on that. I actually wrote a blog with tips about this:

Albert Cardona


I am trying to go to Germany from the UK. It's really not far by any stretch of the word. The train connections between multi-hour legs are less than 20 minutes. Past experience indicates that's not enough.

I wish there was an integrated trans-European railway ticketing and scheduling system.

Ga Schu

@albertcardona @mvugt are a travel agency doing all the booking for you (you need to include some nights in hotels with them to make it worthwhile for them).

Otherwise you'll have to read through the detailed advice of the Man in Seat 61 to get the cheapest or smoothest journey:


@mvugt @albertcardona Eurostar is very weird with any sort of blade, this was in the news recently and I know of some people who went on a camping trip to France and had all of their knives taken

Jaap-Henk Hoepman (@xot)

@mvugt @becha @albertcardona Great write-up covering exactly my experiences with European train travel. Once you know these things, train travel is actually quite nice in Europe!

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