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4 posts total
Albert Cardona

In Europe, flying is cheaper than taking the train.

It's an embarrassment, and a major problem: we have to stop flying for silly short distances. Realise that the overheads of flying (reaching the airport, awaiting 2 hours, the flight, the unloading, reaching the destination) largely cancel out any time gains of flying. And the carbon costs are utterly untenable. Not to speak of the modern, dire conditions of the whole flying "experience".

Another embarrassment is that train connections can't be guaranteed when across countries or companies. They aren't even coordinated. As if those who commission and set the schedules didn't travel by train themselves, at least not internationally. In considering how tiny most European countries are, it's frankly bizarre.

There are so many destinations one could travel by train to, yet in practice, it's not sensible. A disgrace.

The upside is that it can be fixed.

#trains #EuroRail

In Europe, flying is cheaper than taking the train.

It's an embarrassment, and a major problem: we have to stop flying for silly short distances. Realise that the overheads of flying (reaching the airport, awaiting 2 hours, the flight, the unloading, reaching the destination) largely cancel out any time gains of flying. And the carbon costs are utterly untenable. Not to speak of the modern, dire conditions of the whole flying "experience".

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Léo El Rojo

@albertcardona currently traveling from Nantes, France towards Norway. I love my trip, I'm having a lot of fun, but it could have been waaaay easier.
First (and biggest) issue is France not having external night train connection.


@albertcardona On distance over 200 km the cheapest and most convenient way to travel is to travel with car.

sbarrax aka Marco Frattola

@albertcardona yes, I agree. Moreover, in Italy train system became terrible, not only for delays, but also for interconnections and obviously prices. The high speed trains are only a small part of the possible routes and on the “normal” (“regional”) routes travelling is a nightmare. Sometimes we -6 people family- wondered how to get to Munich or Geneve by train but we gave up shortly after. 🤯😰

Albert Cardona

Cambridge, UK: 8C at noon, about 7C less than the historical mean daily maximum for April 22nd.

A peek into the jet stream shows a massive meander bringing cold air from the North. Courtesy of #GlobalWarming: less temperature differential between the poles and the equator weaken the jet stream which then meanders more, swinging the weather from cold to hot and to cold again over the space of a couple of weeks as meanders shift about.

Cambridge, UK: 8C at noon, about 7C less than the historical mean daily maximum for April 22nd.

A peek into the jet stream shows a massive meander bringing cold air from the North. Courtesy of #GlobalWarming: less temperature differential between the poles and the equator weaken the jet stream which then meanders more, swinging the weather from cold to hot and to cold again over the space of a couple of weeks as meanders shift about.

Albert Cardona

Rewilding the internet:

"Just like the crime-ridden, Corbusier-like towers Moses crammed people into when he demolished mixed-use neighborhoods and built highways through them, today’s top-down, concentrated internet is, for many, an unpleasant and harmful place. Its owners are hard to remove, and their interests do not align with ours."

"Apple and Google’s email clients manage nearly 90% of global email. Google and Cloudflare serve around 50% of global domain name system requests."

"For many people across the generations today, platforms like Facebook or TikTok are the internet. They’ve long dwelled in walled gardens they think are the world."

By Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon.
@mariafarrell @robin

Rewilding the internet:

"Just like the crime-ridden, Corbusier-like towers Moses crammed people into when he demolished mixed-use neighborhoods and built highways through them, today’s top-down, concentrated internet is, for many, an unpleasant and harmful place. Its owners are hard to remove, and their interests do not align with ours."

Albert Cardona

Plans for the summer.

(Unknown source.)

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