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James Baillie

@albertcardona Yeah, I've been trying to improve my train usage but it's difficult. It's partly that it means slightly longer trips and rail does often take an extra day of padding if you're going a fair chunk across the continent, but also for me going between e.g. Austria and the UK just isn't very affordable. From Vienna I managed to do a recent conference in Konstanz by rail, but I ended up having to opt for planes for trips to Varna and Ravenna both of which should be in rail range really.


@JubalBarca @albertcardona
...Last time I took the train (ICE) to a different city within Germany, both on the way there and back the train I had booked was cancelled, and I had to figure out a different connection.
I guess that's what you always get eventually when you privatise a public service and run it profit-oriented: neglected upkeep and other cost-saving measures make it... less than great.

Heals :heart_nb: (comms open)

@Anke @JubalBarca @albertcardona at least planes in Germany are also not an option for 99% of travels because we thankfully don't have enough area or airports. The train system for short distance is good enough (private operated non-DB) but pray if you have to take a an inter regio or inter city express.. the Deutsch Bahn has a lot of improvements to do.

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