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Randahl Fink

@collectifission In war, hiding your capabilities is often better.


@randahl True, but it would hugely help against the drones attacking Ukraine.


It would also "help" against Any civilian use in Western countries. Also, Western Electronic Warfare doctrine regards EW as a hostile act. Russia does not.

Gabriel Pettier

@elpolacodesplegado @collectifission @randahl well, if EW is considered to be hostile, should we consider ourselves under attack? If so, maybe we should at least make that known to the kremlin.


@randahl @collectifission Yep, I thought the same. Make lemonade from those lemons by getting used to operating under EW.

But maybe we should be a bit childish and test the experimental Baltic RF link (BaRFlink) to transmit data between NE Poland and the Baltic states. Using the entire useful RF spectrum. With enough power to make the skies over Kaliningrad glow. Totally legit civilian use. 😄

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