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Darius Kazemi

@mcc One thing that I have seen people do is post their regular streaming updates behind a CW. That way it feels more opt-in, at least. I certainly don't mind it as much when I come across "CW: Streaming Friday" and then I can click to expand for more info or just scroll past

Darius Kazemi

@mcc Something that might break your posting-because-I-don't-post cycle is to at the very least try putting some of your technical shitposts here instead of on Twitter. They do numbers, as the kids say! It's a good brain hack that tricks me into spending more time on fediverse proper (instead of just internal posting on Friend Camp, for example)

Kartik Agaram

@darius @mcc

Idea #2 in this vein: pin the non-streaming friday toots to your profile. Unlike Twitter, there's no restriction on the number of pinned posts you can have.

Idea #3: delete the previous streaming-friday toot when you post a new one.

But yes, these are all workarounds.


@darius @mcc yeah, I think cws and/or hashtags are a good option here. Culturally, cws have broader use than their direct, literal interpretation, and if you use specific, consistent wording people can mute it (which is also where hashtags can be useful), and muting is less... Culturally pejorative? here than on Twitter. It's totally normal to mute stuff just because it's not your thing.

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