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Eugen Rochko

Starting with Mastodon 3.5, we no longer try to auto-detect your posting language. It defaults to your interface language, unless overriden by setting it explicitly per-post in the API, or setting in Preferences -> Other.

Eugen Rochko

And if you want to pop up in the Explore tab, make sure to opt-in to the Suggest account to others preference on the Edit profile page and set your posting language correctly.

  Eugen Rochko

@schratze Let me clarify that auto-detection was not removed out of malice towards multilingual people, but because of its wild inaccuracy.

  Esi Jóhannes G.

@Gargron @schratze understandable. Any plans/ideas regarding reintroducing it in the future or looking for some other solutions for multilingual people?

  Eugen Rochko

@esi @schratze We are planning to allow people to add multiple versions of text to posts for different languages

  Esi Jóhannes G.

@Gargron @schratze that's awesome to hear. Thank you for the information.


Is there a ticket people can follow to keep up to date on the development?

@esi @schratze

  joene :ecoan: :bij1_flag: :antifa: 🇵🇸 🕊️

@Gargron There are multiple Github-issues asking for setting a language for specific posts for a long time. This is IMO an easy thing to develop. Just a drop down list with languages you can choose from.

Of course it's also a nice idea to have one post with multiple languages, but I think that is more work.

So what I try to say is that let's first implement the option to set the language per post, and later to add a multilanguage option per post.

BTW: I have now set my posting language to English, because you probably understand that I'm not going to my preferences to change my posting language all time. So English speakers, sorry for the Dutch posts in your public timelines.

@esi @schratze

@Gargron There are multiple Github-issues asking for setting a language for specific posts for a long time. This is IMO an easy thing to develop. Just a drop down list with languages you can choose from.

Of course it's also a nice idea to have one post with multiple languages, but I think that is more work.


Hello, @Gargron, @esi and @schratze!

I apologize for the "me too" response (bad 'Netiquette), but thank you for this important and great news!


David Dickerson

  Sebastian Lasse
  Ricardo Fabara Camino
  炮姐的安全裤又有什么错 :trans_flag:

I think the Explore tab shouldn't filter by the interface language. The Explore tab should filter by the Filter languages setting.


@Gargron maybe we should make using interface language a default while keep auto detection as an option as many Mastodon users( at least in my social circle) post in 2 or more languages. Esp. when sometimes he or she wants to communicate with some specific people in English and post in his native language usually.

Andrea Margiovanni
Betamax Glitch

@Gargron If I do speak more than one lang or want to see toots in any of them is there a problem in selecting more than one?


@Gargron where is the edit button ? :aru_0170:

西卡卡 :vip7: :verified_neko:

@Gargron It seems that only the toots posted by people using the same Interface Language as you can show up in the Explore Tab. For example, if someone posted a Chinese toot using an English interface, only those who also use English interface can see that Chinese toot in the Explore Tab. It doesn't make much sense to me. Is it a bug or is it intentional?

  Eugen Rochko

@jess Explore tab shows you content in your interface language. This is not a bug.

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