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Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@econads @woozle @rose It predated Trump and Boris Johnson - both of whom were and still are viewed as clowns/buffoons but still ended up getting considerable power.

I've also seen Nazi symbols used on normal German TV clearly used in a satirical context without problems - but remember also reading about the behind the scenes filming of this movie and how the actor himself who played Hitler was surprised by how he was well received in some areas and not booed etc...

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@econads @woozle @rose

certainly the film wasn't intended to promote Nazis (it wouldn't have been allowed) and going back a few decades neither was Pink Floyd's "The Wall" - but in that case the Hammerskins aesthetics were picked up on and used by Nazis.

There's an old football chant from Millwalll - "nobody likes us, and we don't care" which is very similar to the attitudes of many techbros..


@vfrmedia @woozle @rose
Management has a higher percentage of sociopaths or something I read..

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@econads @woozle @rose

when middle aged football hooligans (still a thing today) get arrested in my area and around London, a fair proportion of them now turn out to be middle class men wit good jobs (worryingly some even work in big companies like British Telecom Openreach division and have access to peoples houses)


@vfrmedia @woozle @rose I mean I hear "the east is full of Nazis" (ironic, with the blanket statement, I feel like some subtleties are being lost) and the fact the AFD still have >20% more in some areas supports what you say..
I just didn't want non Germans to get the wrong idea from a superficial reading of your first comment. I may have been guilty of that too! I may have initially come on too strong, I edited my comment :-)

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@econads @woozle @rose

you could say exactly the same about the East of England (where I currently live) - of course its not completely full of fash but they have been here for decades, were a great driver towards Brexit and there is history about this dating back to *before* World War II..

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