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Lyyn ☮️🦄 #2024-02-16

@grishka @dansup What I proposed does use centralized notification service (although changing it to UnifiedPush would be preferable, and it's even worse there wrt encryption afaik) and does not drain battery.

Why do you think it's more reliable? I think the only downside is that the app needs to do another request, process all the state, and only then can it show a notification, which, as I said, adds latency.

Григорий Клюшников

Lyyn ☮️🦄 #2024-02-16, if your network connection is unstable, e.g. due to a weak signal or being on a subway train, there might not be a chance to do that request. You have to always assume that any network request can fail, and given enough users, it will fail, every day, thousands of times. So if you can avoid making an additional request, do avoid it.

Lyyn ☮️🦄 #2024-02-16

@grishka @dansup Agreed.
I'm still skeptical about WebPush's encryption, partly because I remember there being some differences between WebPush and UnifiedPush which make them incompatible when encrypted.
And in the end the app decrypts the message, right? Or is it the "distributor" (in UnifiedPush terminology)? I would prefer for the decryption key to not leave the app.

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