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Push Notifications have been added to @loops

I have some clever onboarding and networking features in development, it will be a very fun and eventful weekend I think


@dansup @loops meanwhile Pixelfeed still does not have push notifications. This is a little bit weird, don’t you think?

Mr. Funk E. Dude

@dansup @loops I'm withholding judgment until the final app comes out, but I have a lot of questions.

What will discovery be like?

How will you handle the server load?

Is this just going to be vertical PeerTube?

How will you search between instances?

Will there be Public/Federated/Home timelines?

I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

Sarah Perez 💙

@dansup would love to chat about Loops! sarahp AT

Григорий Клюшников

Why not show the username of the new follower right in the notification? This feels like one of those growth-hacking dark patterns no one likes.

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