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Christine Lemmer-Webber

Also I mean, come on, is this character cute or what, admit that you love it

Christine Lemmer-Webber

And it's real, it works! Here's Goblins' new persistence system being used to add a save mechanism to the terminal-based space shooter built on top of Gobins, Terminal Phase!

Katherine Cox-Buday

@cwebber you keep talking up Goblins, but I'm still just stuck on Terminal Phase.

nick splendorr ✨

@cwebber the character IS cute, and this project sounds realllllly cool! I gotta read more about it

Eve, Appropriately festive Vulcan

@cwebber Is the "turning into a crystal" thing a social anxiety thing, or more of a party trick?

Christine Lemmer-Webber

Oh yeah, and the cute image of the flame character is a design collaborated on between myself and @davidrevoy early in Spritely's days, though I don't think he knew this animation was coming!

Also our awesome devrel person tessa did the lovely banner artwork :)

David Revoy

@cwebber 😍 😍 😍 I love the loop animation!

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