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Eugen Rochko

The blogging platform #Ghost is working on adding #ActivityPub integration. That means, among other things, being able to follow Ghost-powered blogs and comment on articles right from your Mastodon account. The website they made to explain their plans is really nice! This is what momentum looks like.


@Gargron Nice!!! I have been thinking of leaving Ghost because it seemed to me like they had no plans for this. Guess they were just biding their time

Twitter_expat ✅(Fedi Resident)


I don’t know exactly what they are or what they will be on activity pub but I just jolted my email to keep in touch.
I’m looking for a long form blog type that is connected to the #fediverse
Let’s see what happens…


@Gargron Maybe I will add their CMS over my Astro website. It's the only CMS I got working with ease last time I gave a CMS a go.

Mark Pitblado

@Gargron cool to see @404mediaco used as a screenshot in the post!



@gorobar, hattest du nicht eine ähnliches Interesse heute bekundet. Sorry, wenns nicht ganz passt, hab nur eben deinen und diesen Post gleich darüber in der TL gehabt. ^^'

AudraTran :debian:

The irony of asking you to sign up with email for updates 😕 They might as well just fire up an AP account already. It's a good idea to use a different server anyway so you can report outages when yours is down.

Kristian Speaking :hatt:

Great news! More platforms should do the same.

Prem Kumar Aparanji 👶🤖🐘

@Gargron what about the blogging platform? Do people using it make their presence felt here?


@Gargron Very good and god is this a beautiful landing page!


I love the comparison of fast food diets facilitated by algorithms to big closed 🔐 social networks, while the alternative is home cocking just like the more open network like Activitypub.😄😁


@Gargron I first heard of Ghost from 404media, and the more I hear about them, the more appealing it is to drop my static site generator. It looks like everything I wanted Wordpress to be

a goat‽

@Gargron I'm a little skeptical because they're reacting to SubStack losing subscribers the same way as other companies reacted to Twitter losing subscribers: trying to jump on the Mastodon trend.

Fingers crossed Ghost has morals. They're already developing open-source software which puts them far beyond Substack's empty promises.

Rick :swift: 6x💉😷🇺🇦

@Gargron can ActivtyPub support events in a privacy-preserving way? Like, I want to host a party and invite my friends and their friends. But I don’t want anyone else being able to see the details.

John O'Nolan

@Gargron thanks Eugen! Would love to chat some time ✌️

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