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Brian Bilston

I’m fed up with people pointing out all the mistakes in my poetry so I’ve written them this poem; it’s called ‘Pedant’s’.

extreme organic gay

@brianbilston too much correct spelling here, i worry it won't annoy them enough 😂​


@brianbilston this feels like a personal attack 🤣

Stoneface Vimes

@brianbilston I believe you will find that it is "fed up of"😉

Alexis Bushnell

@brianbilston 🤣 this is brilliant!

I used to be like that due to my upbringing but thankfully an A-level English language teacher and then learning that it's just classism and ableism changed my mind.


@alexisbushnell @brianbilston I totally get your point but I think grammar is -or should be- there for a communicational goal. Standardizing is a great tool to avoid misleading writing and produce clear texts, no matter their context. Now, I understand correcting people's spelling is a lack of netiquette but... if there's a respectful way of getting it across, I'm all for it (I mean: I'm myself grateful when I can learn from my own mistakes).


@brianbilston "betterer" ? 🤔 i get you're point but ain't it's annoying some times when words be misused?

Morten Juhl-Johansen

@brianbilston If we dont fight the war, the errorists win...

Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷

@brianbilston You could've just told them you're using 'poetic licence', and to bugger off.


@brianbilston I make dozens of typos every day, but I only correct if typos change the meaning, or use the wrong version of a word, of it it doesn't make sense because my brain went off at a tangent and the meaning was lost. Not a big fan of the Grammar Nazis, but will joke about a typo being very funny (and not in a cruel way).


@brianbilston oh my, this is genuinely awesome, very well done! 😀

Thomas Beagle

@brianbilston Ooo, I liked the rhyming of pure and less. :)


@thomasbeagle @brianbilston

As Eustace Scrubb explained, its not a rhyme, it's an assonance.


@brianbilston @dgar By writing this, they’ve actually won. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Anytime you open yourself up to the masses, especially in the land of no consequences, (the internet) you’re going to come across unhappy people who’s only goal is to make everyone around them as miserable as they are. You can either choose to feed into it, as you have, or you can tell them to fuck off and block them, in that order.😂


@brianbilston Poetry is ‘allowed’ to have spelling or grammatical errors; it wouldn’t be poetry without some bending of the language in which it is written.

Ben Thompson

@brianbilston Brilliant. The changes to the rhyming scheme made my heart swoon - just stone cold perfection!


@brianbilston O like your poems and hope you win a No Bell prize.

Rose Puckey 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺

@brianbilston As a proof reader and editor, this had me cringing, not because of the content, that was brilliantly done and while it could of been betterer why bovver? The cringing was more for the possible replies, I do hope they won't disappoint.

There's a time and place to correct grammar and spelling but without being asked, it is none of my business and could be because of all sorts of things, dyslexia included.

Adam Heine

@brianbilston The rhyme scheme in the fourth stanza is 🤌.


@brianbilston to anyone upset by this: there, their, they're...


@brianbilston @FenAesirs My brother is a primary school teacher and says he's going to be framing this on his desk and distributing it in the staff room. Well done. :P


@brianbilston life is full of perceived errors that lead us down alternate paths than we’d have taken had we course corrected to fix the mistake.

This is living, the radical act of being fully alive.

Who is to say that is wrong? It’s far more likely language policing will end someone’s love of creating than making the effort to understand the intent, and the joy at the expression of that intent.

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