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:umu: :umu:
@grishka @Gargron I lold at how they hired ipfs devs for that.

If you don't know ipfs allows to share files in decentralized manner but it sucks. Even if the origin is online, you may have random errors trying to fetch files from it.

In fact ipfs without web gateways is absolutely impossible to use.
Григорий Клюшников

a1ba-nyan, but it's p2p, and unfortunately, in many people's minds, decentralized means p2p and nothing else.

:umu: :umu:
@grishka @Gargron yes, the p2p part works fine. But the actual file fetching is not.
:umu: :umu:
@grishka @Gargron well... anyway, I believe they will show something but it will be born dead.

Because they don't want decentralization, let alone federation. They have twitter size budgets to absorb.
Григорий Клюшников

a1ba-nyan, twitter's actions don't make sense to me, they don't align with their own vision. In the same 2 years they've been talking about decentralization/federation, they've rolled out the new web version that's full of forced recommendations and dark patterns, and they keep adding new ones, too. And what's the deal with opening up the API Jack promised? Why is it taking so long?

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