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Conny Duck

This week we had the regular #Tusky Team meeting, and among a lot of good news (new team members, new release coming soon, huge refactorings being done) we also found some areas where we could need some help ->

Conny Duck

We are thinking that it might be a good idea to have an external person or organization review our code from a security point of view. I have seen good security reviews of Android apps before, but I don't remember who did them so the first question here is if anyone has recommendations for us? Thanks to our sponsors we can pay for this.

Conny Duck

(dislaimer: There is no reason to believe Tusky is insecure or something, we just want to be double safe)

Conny Duck

We all are no webdevs, so the second request is about our homepage: Currently our frequently asked questions are collected in a markdown file on Github, but we would like to have them nicely themed on Ideally we could still author them in Markdown and then have some kind of script push them to the homepage. If you know how to implement this and could do it for us, please contact me or the team!

Mx Amber Alex

@ConnyDuck I'm not qualified to implement this, but in theory (someone more qualified correct me if I'm wrong) it should be possible, and possibly quite trivial, to just fetch the file from Github, no script required to copy it to the website, and embed it there.


@ConnyDuck das klingt für mich als könnte das gut mit Jekyll gebaut werden.

Jede Frage kann in einer eigenen Datei leben, markdown ist direkt unterstützt, der Aufwand für Sortierung oder Kategorisierung ist gering, alles baut sich aus Dateien in statisches HTML. Das wäre also auch entspannt sowohl zu versionieren als auch zu hosten.

Bei Interesse schau ich mal, dass und wann ich Zeit finde, das zu bauen und zu dokumentieren.

Gerne auch Fragen dazu!

Conny Duck

everything is on GitHub and the website currently uses GitHub pages


@ConnyDuck are you using any site generator with Github Pages? (I know it has Jekyll built in, which ought to work with Markdown.)

Florian Haas

@ConnyDuck I can't contribute time, but I've done something similar and here's a write-up:


@ConnyDuck /cc @ainmosni


@ConnyDuck I have had some good experience with Radically open security, and you might want to check them out:

Conny Duck

@micke ah yes that is what I'm looking for

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