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Pixelfed Groups will support private or local-only groups!

In addition, we will offer many features and settings to make managing your group, moderators and users more effective and easier!

#pixelfed #groups #pixelfedGroups

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

@dansup I'd be surprised if users understand what "enable federation/enable activitypub" is... maybe "Allow people from other servers to participate in your group"?

Suzanne Aldrich (she/her)

@dansup This is great! Thanks for adding such a useful set of features! 😊


@dansup @pixelfed Cool! To the best of your knowledge, is this the closest fedi equivalent to FB groups?


@dansup will this still focus around images, or all types of content?


@dansup I know I repeat myself, but PLEASE add filtering by account. I would love to be able to mute accounts--not even because I hate them or anything, just because they post stuff I have no interest in, that clogs my feed (e. g. hundreds of images of architecture--not my thing).

Frank Paul Silye

@dansup This is awesome and looks a bit like Flickr groups!

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