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I boosted the GoFundMe of my harshest critic, after apologizing and offering to collaborate to resolve the underlying issues

He ignored me, then blocked me, and continues to spread hatred about me and Pixelfed

Yeah, I've made mistakes but I've learned from them and hold myself publicly accountable with brutal honesty

I wish his project all the best, it's sad we can't get along, or have basic respect for each other, but I guess that is what sets us apart

monkee :foxmonkeeshark: It's sad People like that exist.

Old saying: ​:gura_wink:​ "Always respond with love - not because you win over the other, but so that its obvious which one is the asshole from the outside" ​:blobcathero:​ ​:gura_laugh:​


@dansup receiving an apology is so rare these days that most people on the receiving end don't know what to do with it. Kind of like the proverbial dog finally catching the car. Now what?

nfg You're one of the best ambassadors for any project I've ever seen. Even when we disagree, you're still graceful and willing to change, and that's a wondrous rarity.

Keep on being you, dansup. <3

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