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@chu Thank you. I will never ever get sick of Cybertruck schadenfreude. Natural justice is my favourite kind of justice.

Bob LeFridge

@greg @chu

Here's the link for anyone interested. But beware, Futurism chooses to display its text in light grey on a white background which is hard to read.



@BobLefridge @greg @chu

Don't wash in the sun and No windshield wiper fluid either?

Auto car wash will void warranty?

Sounds like the vehicle is not made to withstand basic wear and tear. It is not consumer ready.

Everyone get together and file a class action law suit.


T Chu 朱

@Betterifyouneil @BobLefridge @greg

A friend who may need to replace a car soon was just chatting to me why he'd never buy a Tesla.

*copied and pasted from our chat*

the reason is theya re designed like cellphones
you must know how serviceable a cellphone is right?
the body of a tesla is made from a single block of metal and assembled in a very weird way that is basically unservicable
the big car manufacturers have so much experience in designing cars everything can be serviced and replaced on them
and i'm talkign structurally
let alone everything else
another example is teslas use a bus to electronically keep the car together.. i.e. the left turn light communicates through a network to know when to turn on and off.. this saves a lot of wires... but it also means one fault in the network adn the entire car stops working
as opposed to a fault in the left turn signal means the left turn light stops working..
here's a real world example with my old car.. during the july 8th flood my car became a boat
it lost traction and floated accross the coad
y dash board died and all eledctrical systems went down
BUT my engine still kept going and i was able to put it into gear and drive off on the other side
when my dash came back on all the warning lights were on.. but my car still was able to drive
it's over engineered to the max
my cars electronics were never the same but thigns are really isolated and redundant in modern cars
in ev's less so... but i was talking structurally when comparing teslas and normal car manufacturers.. adn normal cars are superior to teslas because of their over engineering
and that crosses over to ev's made by the big 5
but the design philosophy of cellphones is in every aspect of a tesla.. so i would never buy nor recommend one to anyone
also because elon
they are neat as any flagship cellphone is super neat.. but that's it

@Betterifyouneil @BobLefridge @greg

A friend who may need to replace a car soon was just chatting to me why he'd never buy a Tesla.

*copied and pasted from our chat*

the reason is theya re designed like cellphones
you must know how serviceable a cellphone is right?
the body of a tesla is made from a single block of metal and assembled in a very weird way that is basically unservicable
the big car manufacturers have so much experience in designing cars everything can be serviced and replaced on them


@chu @BobLefridge @greg

That's a great perspective. Musky made a drivable iPhone entangled in its own universe. Maybe rose gold will be the next upgrade, cost twice as much, and still lack water resistance.

Kierkegaanks regretfully

@chu @Betterifyouneil @BobLefridge @greg ya, tesla is a tech company trying to rediscover car design without 150 years of iterative knowhow … so, as you say, they’re basically ipads on wheels. But uglier


@greg @Betterifyouneil @chu @BobLefridge
Agree totally with your friend. That is why I prefer a Volvo EX40 or a Mercedes EQA over a Tesla.
Tesla is nice designed and has a slightly superior range. But it lacks in other areas I consider more apt for me.


@chu @Betterifyouneil @BobLefridge @greg I think the bus your friend is referring to is CAN bus. It's used in ALL modern cars, ICE, hybrid or EVs. Basically, if your car has automatic door locks, it most probably uses CAN bus. It's been a standard in the industry for decades now. And no, a fail in a CAN bus node doesn't bring the whole system down. CAN bus is fault-tolerant, and you should really do an awful implementation to allow a non-critical node to bring the system down.


@chu @Betterifyouneil @BobLefridge @greg I want to clarify that I'm not defending Testa. I wouldn't buy one if I had the money. But CAN bus is not the problem. They have horrendous quality control, and their post-sales services are pretty bad. Their biggest merit is putting EVs in the spotlight. But there are way better options out there.

Cam 🌲

@BobLefridge @greg @chu if you use a browser like Opera or Vivaldi, they both have a 'force black background with white text's option in their Accessibility settings. At least on android...

Bob LeFridge

@camless @greg @chu

While most browsers have the option, I'll never understand any web designer using difficult to read combinations as their default.


@BobLefridge I like the optimism of saying "don't tell them you took it to a car wash", like they wouldn't just check the camera logs without you knowing.

Knud Jahnke

@BobLefridge @greg @chu

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