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Who is crazy enough to think they can challenge Instagram?

Me. Us. Together we can 🚀

Happy 6th Birthday @pixelfed, let's make this summer one the fediverse will remember

#pixelfed #together #peoplePoweredPhotoPlatform

Samantha E Xavia :v_lesbian:

@dansup @pixelfed You'll get there, hopefully people start jumping ship from places like Instagram to move across

Karel Brits 💬

@sam I'm trying to make the shift bit by bit. I'm already quite certain one day I'll be entirely gone on Instagram. @dansup @pixelfed

Samantha E Xavia :v_lesbian:

@karelbrits It's always good to be able to control your media & posts. Hopefully one day more people will move across and it will become standard to use Fediverse alternatives.


@dansup @pixelfed It’s really hard to go back to IG after having used Pixelfed for a while, all the clickbait, useless content etc :)


@filipefreire @dansup @pixelfed Yes! But in terms of speed IG is still faster too. I hope Pixelfed keeps improving so that more and more people make the shift.

John O'Nolan

@dansup @pixelfed Applied to Pubkit this morning, would love to check it out w/ Ghost :)


@dansup @pixelfed

Boosted, Happy Birthday indeed I am happy I re joined

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")

@dansup @pixelfed

#Pixelfed is the bomb-diggity.

Congratulations on being a troublemaker and going against the status quo! Your product is amazing.

Iñaki :mastodon:

@dansup @pixelfed ¿6 Años?, lo acabo de conocer, pero por allí ando, para probarlo, verlo, y sobre todo participar con alguna fotillo.

Ashley Graves any plans to publish the app on fdroid, or at least automate github releases?

Holm / The tooth

@dansup @pixelfed I'll promote the heck out of pixelfed as soon as the bugs in the migration of posts from insta are solved 😉😉😉✨🙏

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