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Erik Uden 🍑

The German police has just arrested the “Jews Against Genocide” group and taken their banner which stated the same (“Juden gegen Genozid”).

The entirely Jewish newspaper has lost access to their bank account and funding the past month due to their strict positioning against Israel's actions in Gaza and Palestine.

A picture of German police arresting Jüdische Stimme activists and taking their banner.

Bilal Barakat

@ErikUden Despite their protestations to the contrary, the German government is rabidly antisemitic.

LA Legault


They get that their claim to be protecting Jews has flown completely out the window now and everyone understands they just want them herded into Israel right?

Erik Uden 🍑

The person shown here also claims to never have even shown the banner, which was the reason for the arrest. They claim to have only shown the banner when requested to do so by the police.

A Screenshot of a comment on Instagram by deadontheinternet 

“Point of clarification. I only opened the bannerwhen they demanded my identification andthat I open it so they could read it, underthreat of violent arrest. I'm just here to deliverthe banner back to our organization after theSparkasse event this week. They said "webelieve what is on the sign is illegal". It wasrolled up. They couldn't see it. This is howthey are trained. That we are criminals. Theytargeted me after they saw my Jewish starnecklace. We know who the antisemites are.”

@ErikUden shit like this is why I begin to question my choice to come to this country

The Nancy Fraser story was particularly fucked

blausand 🐟

@PRNE @ErikUden
Do you copy, @bmi ?
Your work actually makes Germany LESS attractive while your job is exactly the opposite.

Lightning Bjornsson

@ErikUden It’s amazing how rapidly Germany has fallen to literal Nazism in the name of opposing Nazism



Für mich, wenn ich aus England schaue, ist dies ein weiteres Beispiel für den Aufstieg des deutschen Faschismus! Diejenigen, die mitschuldig am Völkermord sind, verhaften diejenigen, die sich dagegen wehren!

Das ist absoluter Wahnsinn!

P Regina

@ErikUden The Germans seem determined to come out of this sorry saga looking worse than the Israelis.


WTf? Why is a state which committed genocide against the jews now backing a new genocide waged by jews?

"In May 2016, a new definition of antisemitism (the Working Definition of Antisemitism) was agreed upon at the Berlin-based International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Conference"
The IHRA definition has been heavily criticised by academics, including legal scholars, who say that it stifles free speech relating to criticism of Israeli actions and policies.

=> German politics, due to history finds it really difficult to make fine distinctions here. Accepting this and as much as it pains me, though, it's probably better if they don't condone Israel criticism instead of erring to the other side of tolerating implied antisemitism.
(E.g. denying the right of Israel to exist as a state -- Israel might be guilty of genocide (or not, that's a thing for an international court of law to decide and IANAL), but ...

@ErikUden ... that should not affect that Israel is legitimate state)


@ErikUden Never forget that Germany inspired neo-nazis, the Klan, and Apartheid South Africa. They also have a great set up in the AfD.

Erik Uden 🍑

@stullekovski „Anarchist” = Polizei und Staatsräson unterstützen (?)

Stullekovski 👻Linkenparteitag👻

Wüsste nicht wo ich die cops feier.

Anarchist und "antiimperalistisch" sein und mit Palästinaflagge, Melone oder Kufiya rumlaufen?
Bei den autoritären Kommunisten überrascht es mich nicht.


@ErikUden This picture shows that you cannot spell "Juden" without "Uden".

God Particle Kinnie 🔞

@ErikUden Ah, some high grade fascism huh. For fuck's sake, Germany.

big fat kobold butts

@ErikUden boosting with cw

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