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Erik Uden πŸ‘

The person shown here also claims to never have even shown the banner, which was the reason for the arrest. They claim to have only shown the banner when requested to do so by the police.

A Screenshot of a comment on Instagram by deadontheinternet 

β€œPoint of clarification. I only opened the bannerwhen they demanded my identification andthat I open it so they could read it, underthreat of violent arrest. I'm just here to deliverthe banner back to our organization after theSparkasse event this week. They said "webelieve what is on the sign is illegal". It wasrolled up. They couldn't see it. This is howthey are trained. That we are criminals. Theytargeted me after they saw my Jewish starnecklace. We know who the antisemites are.”

@ErikUden shit like this is why I begin to question my choice to come to this country

The Nancy Fraser story was particularly fucked

blausand 🐟

@PRNE @ErikUden
Do you copy, @bmi ?
Your work actually makes Germany LESS attractive while your job is exactly the opposite.

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