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Anyway, unless I get anything else in my inbox that's it, but I think it's such absolutely unhinged behavior that people should know about it. I don't want to hear a single other fucker tell me "but the search is good!" Use that line on literally anyone else but me, no other search CEO has shown up in my email inbox to mansplain their company to me.


Just for some perspective, if you want to know how little reach the fedi post with the link to this blog post got: the first post in this thread already has more likes and boosts after less than a hour since posting it than my blog post ever did that he felt the need to confront me over.


@lori he clearly needs to google... excuse me, KAGI... the phrase "Streisand Effect". 🤦🏼‍♂️

Third spruce tree on the left

@lori nothing sets off more alarm bells about a company, group or project than the founder/ceo/lead throwing down "u said WOT m8?" And demanding to debate u in person at the bike racks after last bell. That's so.... High school.

If you're convinced that your product, co or mission is solid, why are you so brittle about negative public commentary? Perhaps it's not and you're afraid anyone will spot your new clothes for what they are.

How do people give people like this money?

Third spruce tree on the left

@lori also top marks for textifying the email thread


@lori I don't understand why he'd email you... surely he could just send his query to a chatbot and ask it to tell him what your reply would be?

erik:~$ :idle:

@lori I wonder if they go to these lengths if you unsubscribe from their marketing emails...


@lori I just want to chime in with the experience I had with another kagi project, Kagi Small Web. I found some explicit hate speech and conspiracy content and reported it on the project GitHub, and was told that they don't like censorship in their directory. I attempted to add some left-leaning links and they were never merged. That's what kind of business they run.


@jex That's the kind of behavior I expected when I reached in the chain mail the "I talk politics at dinner in private but not professionally in public".


This is gold: “ no other search CEO has shown up in my email inbox to mansplain their company to me.”



@lori hey when I closed my trial account with them aaagggess ago and said it was because I didn’t realise they were so keen on AI bullshit I got a similar e-mail from Vlad! I didn’t bother to reply, seems like that was the right chocie


@fincham God that's amazing, I can't say I'm shocked (or shocked by the one I got) because I've seen him in discord trying to debate people into thinking they should give him money. He can't even tolerate "I don't think this fits in my budget"


@lori @fincham if you are waiting in line to be harassed by the Kagi CEO for not liking his product, STAY IN LINE. He will get around to emailing you!

Lnklnx :debian:

@lori I'd been a Kagi subscriber for a bit, but I eventually soured on all the AI bullshit and walked away. Sounds like I made the right call.

River :therian: honestly, pushing for a call gives me infamous "business the Russian way" vibes, where criticism is a threat and you would never start your letter with "hi lori, i'm Vlad, and as a CEO of Kagi I would like to thank you for the time you've taken to write the blog article..."

Reina :maybe_verified:

@lori His response is so fuckinh hilarious because it's basically just "I don't believe [thing you wrote]. Let me explain. What I believe is [thing you wrote but phrased differently]"

Does he not realise that none of the things he said refuted your points? He just repeated you while pretending to disagree ...

This is what he's been doing in everything I've seen from him too. He thinks that explaining himself multiple times will make people somehow change their mind. But people aren't misunderstanding him, they're disagreeing with him. Fundamentally.

Also, like, why does he even bother responding to everything? Is that just all he does every day? xD

I already disliked him for his "technology is apolitical" stance, but now I dislike him even more. Fuck him.

@lori His response is so fuckinh hilarious because it's basically just "I don't believe [thing you wrote]. Let me explain. What I believe is [thing you wrote but phrased differently]"

Does he not realise that none of the things he said refuted your points? He just repeated you while pretending to disagree ...


@Reina This is honestly a common thing I saw in Reddit comments. "If you disagree with me it must be that I'm not explaining my point clearly enough, because it's impossible that you actually think I'm wrong"



I'd be curious if this response thread is the same he gives others that disagree

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