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Just for some perspective, if you want to know how little reach the fedi post with the link to this blog post got: the first post in this thread already has more likes and boosts after less than a hour since posting it than my blog post ever did that he felt the need to confront me over.


@lori he clearly needs to google... excuse me, KAGI... the phrase "Streisand Effect". 🤦🏼‍♂️

Third spruce tree on the left

@lori nothing sets off more alarm bells about a company, group or project than the founder/ceo/lead throwing down "u said WOT m8?" And demanding to debate u in person at the bike racks after last bell. That's so.... High school.

If you're convinced that your product, co or mission is solid, why are you so brittle about negative public commentary? Perhaps it's not and you're afraid anyone will spot your new clothes for what they are.

How do people give people like this money?

Third spruce tree on the left

@lori also top marks for textifying the email thread


@lori I don't understand why he'd email you... surely he could just send his query to a chatbot and ask it to tell him what your reply would be?

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