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A few weeks ago I took my phone case off my iPhone 15 Pro Max and I haven't looked back since.

Feels like I've been reborn again, a born again caseless!

Try it, you won't regret it unless your butter fingers ass is used to dropping your phone like my partner is, in that CASE...


Flock of Cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🌸


Very brave! 🥹

I wouldn’t trust myself to have my phone raw dogging the world 😊

Григорий Клюшников

Never had cases on my phones and can't imagine having one. They make it feel so offensively huge


@dansup the last time i took a case of my phone i dropped it 2 seconds later and smashed it because it was 2mm thinner and my hand just didn’t take that into consideration 😂 and i do not usually drop phones!


@dansup Cases are weird. I know it offers protection and sometimes it adds function. But you pay a huge amount for a nicely styled thin and sleek device and than you slap on a big fat ugly case. Only to protect your device from beinf scratched and damged. But if you never take the case off, who's going to care that it is in perfect condition? Not you, because you'll never see it. Maybe the person who buys it from you? Pointless, go #caseless


@dansup I do drop my phone a lot, but I've been using my Fairphone 4 without a case as well. It is a hefty device already without a case, but also very sturdy, and if something breaks I know I can get the replacement parts and repair it myself. A couple of years in, nothing has happened yet despite dropping it regularly.


@dansup wait until children join your life...


@alex Yeah, that's why I'm going savage mode now.

We're looking forward to growing our family, but like I can wait another year haha


@dansup many times I’ve been glad for the case, I drop mine a lot, though usually onto carpet with a wooden base. Still, too clumsy with stiff hands. My old htc on the other hand, I dropped that onto tarmac and concrete more than once and just not having the screen all the way to the edge, the metal rim got nicked but nothing more

Melvin Gundlach

@dansup I’m with you, but think about getting Apple Care when you still can. Repairing the back or even worse the sides is crazy expensive.
The 15 Pro Max is also not as indestructible as the 13 Pro Max 🙈


@melgu Yeah I got Apple Care, and I do put it in a case when I leave the house


@dansup my 14 pro max is too heavy and too damn slippery to not have a case >_<

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