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Séverin Lemaignan

@organicmaps great news! I use a lot OM for hiking in Spain, and better isolines is a great improvement.

Wrt AndroidAuto: I've tried to use it with OM Feb/March, but OM does not show up in the AndroidAuto apps when I connect my phone to the car. Does it need to be enable somehow?

Marcos Dione

@severin @organicmaps Same here, but for some reason those contours seem to be offset of data: not only the path in the second image seems to weirdly take a steep turn, the torrente also seems to not quite go through the base of the valley. If it were just the torrente I would not say anything.

Organic Maps

@mdione @severin elevation data is tricky. And usually has low precision. And data may also be imprecise. The situation may improve when more open elevation datasets become available.

Organic Maps

@severin update google android auto app, restart the device, try to google about it. AA should just work.

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