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MAD7 :vegan: :it:

@organicmaps I really love what you do and I'm helping you all the times I can updating the maps and also using #KartaView and #StreetComplete πŸ€—πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€

My question is when you think it will be available the transports maps to use like on #googlemaps ? Since is the only why a lot of people, most of them, are not using #OrganicMaps πŸ™‚

Organic Maps

@AbdelMadjid_Meziane when we get enough donations for a full-time working team, or when our contributors and volunteers find enough free time to implement such an important but also a complex task.

Cleo Menezes Jr. :verified:

@organicmaps @AbdelMadjid_Meziane It must be a huge job. Creating something like Gmaps requires a huge infrastructure.

Would you at least consider showing public transport routes based on PTv2? Osmand does something like this ( It would be quite cool. I've been mapping public transport in my city and this PTv2 approach is effective.


@organicmaps couldn't you work with projects like Transitous?

If I'm not mistaken, this is the data that's requested, right?
Working together could probably lighten the load on both communities.

I understand that this does not include the data into OSM but doing so seems like a duplicating effort for already publicly available data...

@CleoMenezesJr @AbdelMadjid_Meziane

Cleo Menezes Jr. :verified:

@silmathoron @organicmaps @AbdelMadjid_Meziane Interesting, I didn't know. I just didn't quite understand how to contribute. I found the doc very focused on those who already understand the subject and does not explain some basic things.
Does Organic Maps use it?



> Does Organic Maps use it?

Given how recent it is, I doubt it, but they might use something similar to provide their current transport information...

@organicmaps @AbdelMadjid_Meziane

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