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✨ Pixelfed Stories

Share your daily adventures through photos and videos that disappear in 24 hours.

It's a simple way to give friends and followers a peek into your life without cluttering your main feed.

Perfect for those moments that are worth sharing, but not necessarily saving forever!

#pixelfed #stories


@pixelfed Btw, in case it wasn't clear, 2 of those Stories are from remote accounts!

Stories are federated, so your followers can view them on any other Pixelfed server!

Holm / The tooth

@pixelfed please also resolve the issue with errors in the Instagram migration 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏... I am so eager to delete all my content there, but the last ~100 posts just won't migrate, no matter how often I try. Thank you for all your work! ✨🙌

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