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Neo-Luddite Gregly

@ichderfisch @eniko We used to joke about Yahoo vs Google. “There’s no way Yahoo will be able to maintain a curated tree of Internet sites when anybody can just search for stuff on Google,” we said, and at the time we were right.

But given today’s web, now I’m wondering if some sort of curated database of links, perhaps combined with a distributed “curator trust rank” system, is the way to go.

Mike Switzer

Between the AI and the algorithms there may be no other choice for a usable Internet
@ichderfisch @eniko


We need a federated web directory, like a mix of and lemmy.
@ichderfisch @eniko


@gregly @ichderfisch @eniko Up your donations to Wikipedia, because it will get more important.

James 🦉 #FBPE :europe:

@gregly @ichderfisch @eniko This feels on the emerging zeitgeist's pulse. The RSS feed has returned (at least, for me - just got Feedly). I would say a large proportion of what I find still comes from social media though. For what purpose though? To peruse, muse and to read, sure, but to get a specific answer to something instantly? The search engine still has its place or, dare I say it, LLMs?

ಚಿರಾಗ್ 🌹✊🏾Ⓥ🌱🇵🇸 (he/him)

@freequaybuoy @gregly @ichderfisch @eniko LLMs have no conception of 'truth', so no. Search engines still have their place, but increasingly they're becoming shit (DDG is still reasonable and I'm trialing Stract).

Kern 🏳️‍🌈 I've been having similar thoughts, perhaps friends could share lists of bookmarks and then those sites could be indexed on our own hardware

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