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Dennis 🆙

Reading this is nuts. Google changed its algorithm and websites are on the brink of death. This is what gatekeeping is doing.

Hate to see it, as Retro Dodo is one of my favorite websites. I read their articles almost every day. I got their book and backed/preordered the upcoming two which might never be released now.

If you are into Retrogaming or are interested in modern handhelds, consider bookmarking their website and supporting them.
#gaming #retrogaming #retrododo

Reading this is nuts. Google changed its algorithm and websites are on the brink of death. This is what gatekeeping is doing.

Hate to see it, as Retro Dodo is one of my favorite websites. I read their articles almost every day. I got their book and backed/preordered the upcoming two which might never be released now.

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BinaryDigit :prami:

@ichderfisch This is what we're dealing with at work as well. We're a small publisher and traffic has tanked, and everyday is a struggle to keep afloat. I can't deal with it anymore 😭


@ichderfisch Ive see a lot of bloggers posting about this lately. It sucks being locked into Google's business model.

I believe RSS feeds might be the web's only way around all of this, also for those getting blacklisted by google, they should promote their feeds. Retro Dodo has one as well but unless I missed it they didn't promote their feed.

Not using google search wouldn't hurt but that seems unlikely to become a wide spread trend sadly.

Tobias Hellgren

@ichderfisch Meanwhile, searching for "best ps2 games" on @StartpageSearch yields Retro Dodo as second hit

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