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Dennis ๐Ÿ†™

Reading this is nuts. Google changed its algorithm and websites are on the brink of death. This is what gatekeeping is doing.

Hate to see it, as Retro Dodo is one of my favorite websites. I read their articles almost every day. I got their book and backed/preordered the upcoming two which might never be released now.

If you are into Retrogaming or are interested in modern handhelds, consider bookmarking their website and supporting them.
#gaming #retrogaming #retrododo

google is far, far away from their 'don't be evil' roots.

It is actually one of the biggest actors of the internet enshitification.
Chadee the Dream Witch ๐ŸŒ• ๐ŸŒŠ

@ichderfisch I wondered why over the past few months every search has reddit results that I don't want and never wanted near the top.

Google search has become useless for me.

Dennis ๐Ÿ†™

@matoakit same, these reddit search result are the worst. Back in the day you could block search result for complete urls. Iโ€™m missing that feature terribly.

Kat the Leopardess

@matoakit @ichderfisch Same here. I don't have an idea what is the better search engine to use, bc I'm choosing everything based on dealing with the terrible disrespect for privacy, present in many browsers and websites

Neo-Luddite Gregly

@ichderfisch @eniko We used to joke about Yahoo vs Google. โ€œThereโ€™s no way Yahoo will be able to maintain a curated tree of Internet sites when anybody can just search for stuff on Google,โ€ we said, and at the time we were right.

But given todayโ€™s web, now Iโ€™m wondering if some sort of curated database of links, perhaps combined with a distributed โ€œcurator trust rankโ€ system, is the way to go.

Mike Switzer

Between the AI and the algorithms there may be no other choice for a usable Internet
@ichderfisch @eniko


We need a federated web directory, like a mix of and lemmy.
@ichderfisch @eniko


@gregly @ichderfisch @eniko Up your donations to Wikipedia, because it will get more important.

James ๐Ÿฆ‰ #FBPE :europe:

@gregly @ichderfisch @eniko This feels on the emerging zeitgeist's pulse. The RSS feed has returned (at least, for me - just got Feedly). I would say a large proportion of what I find still comes from social media though. For what purpose though? To peruse, muse and to read, sure, but to get a specific answer to something instantly? The search engine still has its place or, dare I say it, LLMs?

เฒšเฒฟเฒฐเฒพเฒ—เณ ๐ŸŒนโœŠ๐Ÿพโ“‹๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ (he/him)

@freequaybuoy @gregly @ichderfisch @eniko LLMs have no conception of 'truth', so no. Search engines still have their place, but increasingly they're becoming shit (DDG is still reasonable and I'm trialing Stract).

Kern ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ I've been having similar thoughts, perhaps friends could share lists of bookmarks and then those sites could be indexed on our own hardware


@ichderfisch I am seeing something very similar with daily visits to (80% of which are from google search) falling away significantly with a cliff in September 2023 when I understand Google released a major algorithm update. And this is in a time period when the subject area (public transport) is growing significantly out of its deep and protracted covid and post-covid slump.

๐ŸŒˆ DแฐNA

@ichderfisch Yeah, I see it everywhere. My two blogs basically got decimated in the last update too.


"How can you help?"

I use DDG as much as possible.

BinaryDigit :prami:

@ichderfisch This is what we're dealing with at work as well. We're a small publisher and traffic has tanked, and everyday is a struggle to keep afloat. I can't deal with it anymore ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Dennis ๐Ÿ†™

@binarydigit That's horrible to hear. As my post got a little more attraction than I initially expected I would suggest, you should tell your story too, same as Retro Dodo is doing it. People care and those of us who don't own websites might not be aware of what's happening in the background.


@ichderfisch Ive see a lot of bloggers posting about this lately. It sucks being locked into Google's business model.

I believe RSS feeds might be the web's only way around all of this, also for those getting blacklisted by google, they should promote their feeds. Retro Dodo has one as well but unless I missed it they didn't promote their feed.

Not using google search wouldn't hurt but that seems unlikely to become a wide spread trend sadly.

Dennis ๐Ÿ†™

@meadowhawk I already texted them about their RSS Feed. That's my way of reading everything they publish. Maybe they'll change it.

But RSS feeds alone won't help, as these only reach the regular visiting audience. You don't get visible for the unknown on RSS Feeds.

As you see on their page, they promote their content on every other channel possible, still Google Search used to be the main entry point. If I'd have to guess, probably YouTube might be second or third. Welcome to hell.


@ichderfisch that's awesome! I was trying to figure out how to reach out and remind them they have RSS as well.

I agree discovery via Google is the hell we live with. I guess all we can do is keep screaming into the void about why everyone should quit relying solely on Google...we might make headway In a few years... I'm a nihilistic optimistic :โ -โ D

Dennis ๐Ÿ†™

@meadowhawk Maybe you want to add something. That's their contact form:


@ichderfisch ah thanks, I'll encourage them as well, thanks! I noticed that a couple years ago they were getting awards from Google for traffic... Interesting how google changes plans and hurts people.

Tobias Hellgren

@ichderfisch Meanwhile, searching for "best ps2 games" on @StartpageSearch yields Retro Dodo as second hit


@matt @thanius @ichderfisch @StartpageSearch quality content in quality spaces, what we gonna do, put gamesradar there? metacritic?

on mojeek the (retro) dodo aint dead

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